sac_status = $sac_newstatus; // Store the xml $this->sac_xml = $sac_thexml; // Store the status message switch($this->sac_status) { case 200: $this->sac_statusmessage = "OK"; break; case 201: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Created"; break; case 202: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Accepted"; break; case 400: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Bad request"; break; case 401: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Unauthorized"; break; case 403: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Forbidden"; break; case 412: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Precondition failed"; break; case 413: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Request entity too large"; break; case 415: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Unsupported media type"; break; default: $this->sac_statusmessage = "Unknown error (status code " . $this->sac_status . ")"; break; } // Initalise arrays $this->sac_authors = array(); $this->sac_contributors = array(); $this->sac_links = array(); $this->sac_dcterms = array(); // Assume noOp is false unless we change it later $this->sac_noOp = false; } // Build the workspace hierarchy function buildhierarchy($sac_dr, $sac_ns) { // Set the default namespace $sac_dr->registerXPathNamespace('atom', ''); if (!isset($sac_ns['atom'])) $sac_ns['atom'] = ''; if (!isset($sac_ns['dcterms'])) $sac_ns['dcterms'] = ''; if (!isset($sac_ns['sword'])) $sac_ns['sword'] = ''; // Parse the results $this->sac_id = $sac_dr->children($sac_ns['atom'])->id; $sac_contentbits = $sac_dr->xpath("atom:content"); if (!empty($sac_contentbits)) { $this->sac_content_src = $sac_contentbits[0]->attributes()->src; $this->sac_content_type = $sac_contentbits[0]->attributes()->type; } // Store the authors foreach ($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['atom'])->author as $sac_author) { $sac_theauthor = $sac_author->children($sac_ns['atom'])->name . ""; $this->sac_authors[] = $sac_theauthor; } // Store the contributors foreach ($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['atom'])->contributor as $sac_contributor) { $sac_thecontributor = $sac_contributor->children($sac_ns['atom'])->name . ""; $this->sac_contributors[] = $sac_thecontributor; } // Store the links foreach ($sac_dr->xpath("atom:link") as $sac_link) { $sac_linkobject = new SWORDAPPLink($sac_link->attributes()->rel, $sac_link->attributes()->href, $sac_link->attributes()->type); array_push($this->sac_links, $sac_linkobject); // Store the Edit IRI if ($sac_linkobject->sac_linkrel == 'edit') $this->sac_edit_iri = $sac_linkobject->sac_linkhref; // Store the SE-IRI if ($sac_linkobject->sac_linkrel == '') $this->sac_se_iri = $sac_linkobject->sac_linkhref; // Store the Statement IRIs if ($sac_linkobject->sac_linkrel == '') { if (($sac_linkobject->sac_linktype == 'application/atom+xml;type=feed') || ($sac_linkobject->sac_linktype == 'application/atom+xml; type=feed')) { $this->sac_state_iri_atom = $sac_linkobject->sac_linkhref; } else if ($sac_linkobject->sac_linktype == 'application/rdf+xml') { $this->sac_state_iri_ore = $sac_linkobject->sac_linkhref; } } // Store the Edit Media IRIs if ($sac_linkobject->sac_linkrel == 'edit-media') { // Edit media IRI as Atom feed if (($sac_linkobject->sac_linktype == 'application/atom+xml;type=feed') || ($sac_linkobject->sac_linktype == 'application/atom+xml; type=feed')) { $this->sac_edit_media_iri_atom = $sac_linkobject->sac_linkhref; } else { // Edit media IRI $this->sac_edit_media_iri = $sac_linkobject->sac_linkhref; } } } // Store the title and summary $this->sac_title = sac_clean($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['atom'])->title); $this->sac_summary = sac_clean($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['atom'])->summary); // Store the updated date $this->sac_updated = $sac_dr->children($sac_ns['atom'])->updated; // Store the rights $this->sac_rights = sac_clean($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['atom'])->rights); // Store the treatment $this->sac_treatment = sac_clean($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['sword'])->treatment); // Store the verboseDescription $this->sac_verbose_treatment = sac_clean($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['sword'])->verboseDescription); // Store the format namespace $this->sac_packaging = $sac_dr->children($sac_ns['sword'])->packaging; // Store the generator $this->sac_generator = sac_clean($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['atom'])->generator); $sac_gen = $sac_dr->xpath("atom:generator"); if (!empty($sac_gen)) { $this->sac_generator_uri = $sac_gen[0]->attributes()->uri; } // Store the user agent $this->sac_useragent = sac_clean($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['sword'])->userAgent); // Store any embedded metadata foreach ($sac_dr->children($sac_ns['dcterms']) as $sac_dcterm) { if (!isset($this->sac_dcterms[$sac_dcterm->getName()])) { $this->sac_dcterms[$sac_dcterm->getName()] = array(); } array_push($this->sac_dcterms[$sac_dcterm->getName()], $sac_dcterm); } // Store the noOp status if (strtolower((string)$sac_dr->children($sac_ns['sword'])->noOp) == 'true') { $this->sac_noOp = true; } } function toString() { print " - ID: " . $this->sac_id . "\n"; print " - Title: " . $this->sac_title . "\n"; print " - Content: " . $this->sac_content_src ." (" . $this->sac_content_type . ")\n"; foreach ($this->sac_authors as $author) { print " - Author: " . $author . "\n"; } foreach ($this->sac_contributors as $contributor) { print " - Contributor: " . $contributor . "\n"; } foreach ($this->sac_links as $links) { print ' - Link: rel=' . $links->sac_linkrel . ' '; print 'href=' . $links->sac_linkhref . ' '; if (isset($links->sac_linktype)) { print 'type=' . $links->sac_linktype; } print "\n"; } print " - Summary: " . $this->sac_summary . "\n"; print " - Updated: " . $this->sac_updated . "\n"; print " - Rights: " . $this->sac_rights . "\n"; print " - Treatment: " . $this->sac_treatment . "\n"; print " - Verbose description: " . $this->sac_verbose_treatment . "\n"; print " - Packaging: " . $this->sac_packaging . "\n"; print " - Generator: " . $this->sac_generator . " (" . $this->sac_generator_uri . ")\n"; print " - User agent: " . $this->sac_useragent . "\n"; if (!empty($this->sac_noOp)) { print " - noOp: " . $this->sac_noOp . "\n"; } foreach ($this->sac_dcterms as $dcterm => $dcvalues) { print ' - Dublin Core Metadata: ' . $dcterm . "\n"; foreach ($dcvalues as $dcvalue) { print ' - ' . $dcvalue . "\n"; } } } } ?>