{** * templates/form/formButtons.tpl * * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Simon Fraser University Library * Copyright (c) 2000-2015 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * Form button bar * Parameters: * FBV_hideCancel bool hides the cancel button completely. * FBV_cancelAction LinkAction to be executed when the cancel button is pressed. * FBV_cancelUrl string A url to redirect to when cancel is pressed. * FBV_cancelText string The label to go on the cancel button * FBV_confirmSubmit string Text to be used in a confirmation modal before submiting the form. * FBV_submitText string The label to go on the submit button. * FBV_submitDisabled bool disables the submit button. *} {fbvFormSection class="formButtons"} {if !$FBV_hideCancel} {if $FBV_cancelAction} {include file="linkAction/buttonGenericLinkAction.tpl" buttonSelector="#cancelFormButton" action=$FBV_cancelAction} {elseif $FBV_cancelUrl} {include file="linkAction/buttonRedirectLinkAction.tpl" buttonSelector="#cancelFormButton" cancelUrl=$FBV_cancelUrl} {/if} {if $FBV_formReset}{assign var="cancelButton" value="resetFormButton"}{else}{assign var="cancelButton" value="cancelFormButton"}{/if} {fbvElement type="link" class=$cancelButton id=$cancelButton label=$FBV_cancelText} {/if} {* IF we have confirmation dialog text specified, load buttonConfirmationLinkAction for the submit button *} {if $FBV_confirmSubmit} {include file="linkAction/buttonConfirmationLinkAction.tpl" buttonSelector="#submitFormButton" dialogText="$FBV_confirmSubmit"} {/if} {fbvElement type="submit" class="submitFormButton" id="submitFormButton" label=$FBV_submitText translate=$FBV_translate disabled=$FBV_submitDisabled}