{** * templates/form/textArea.tpl * * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Simon Fraser University Library * Copyright (c) 2000-2015 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * form text area *} {assign var="uniqId" value="-"|uniqid|escape} {if $FBV_multilingual && count($formLocales) > 1} {* This is a multilingual control. Enable popover display. *} {strip} {/strip} {$FBV_label_content}
{foreach from=$formLocales key=thisFormLocale item=thisFormLocaleName}{if $formLocale != $thisFormLocale} {strip} {/strip} {/if}{/foreach}
{else} {* This is not a multilingual control or there is only one locale available *} {if $FBV_rich && $FBV_disabled} {if $FBV_multilingual}{$FBV_value[$formLocale]}{else}{$FBV_value}{/if} {else} {/if} {$FBV_label_content} {/if}