addLocaleData(); return $success; } /** * @see PKPPlugin::getName() */ function getName() { return 'DOIPubIdPlugin'; } /** * @see PKPPlugin::getDisplayName() */ function getDisplayName() { return __('plugins.pubIds.doi.displayName'); } /** * @see PKPPlugin::getDescription() */ function getDescription() { return __('plugins.pubIds.doi.description'); } /** * @see PKPPlugin::getTemplatePath() */ function getTemplatePath() { return parent::getTemplatePath() . 'templates/'; } // // Implement template methods from PubIdPlugin. // /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getPubId() */ function getPubId(&$pubObject, $preview = false) { $doi = null; if (!$this->isExcluded($pubObject)) { // Determine the type of the publishing object. $pubObjectType = $this->getPubObjectType($pubObject); // Initialize variables for publication objects. $issue = ($pubObjectType == 'Issue' ? $pubObject : null); $article = ($pubObjectType == 'Article' ? $pubObject : null); $galley = ($pubObjectType == 'Galley' ? $pubObject : null); $suppFile = ($pubObjectType == 'SuppFile' ? $pubObject : null); // Get the journal id of the object. if (in_array($pubObjectType, array('Issue', 'Article'))) { $journalId = $pubObject->getJournalId(); } else { // Retrieve the published article. assert(is_a($pubObject, 'ArticleFile')); $articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO'); /* @var $articleDao PublishedArticleDAO */ $article =& $articleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($pubObject->getArticleId(), null, true); if (!$article) return null; // Now we can identify the journal. $journalId = $article->getJournalId(); } $journal =& $this->getJournal($journalId); if (!$journal) return null; $journalId = $journal->getId(); // Check whether DOIs are enabled for the given object type. $doiEnabled = ($this->getSetting($journalId, "enable${pubObjectType}Doi") == '1'); if (!$doiEnabled) return null; // If we already have an assigned DOI, use it. $storedDOI = $pubObject->getStoredPubId('doi'); if ($storedDOI) return $storedDOI; // Retrieve the issue. if (!is_a($pubObject, 'Issue')) { assert(!is_null($article)); $issueDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO'); /* @var $issueDao IssueDAO */ $issue =& $issueDao->getIssueByArticleId($article->getId(), $journal->getId(), true); } if ($issue && $journalId != $issue->getJournalId()) return null; // Retrieve the DOI prefix. $doiPrefix = $this->getSetting($journalId, 'doiPrefix'); if (empty($doiPrefix)) return null; // Generate the DOI suffix. $doiSuffixGenerationStrategy = $this->getSetting($journalId, 'doiSuffix'); switch ($doiSuffixGenerationStrategy) { case 'publisherId': switch($pubObjectType) { case 'Issue': $doiSuffix = (string) $pubObject->getBestIssueId($journal); break; case 'Article': $doiSuffix = (string) $pubObject->getBestArticleId($journal); break; case 'Galley': $doiSuffix = (string) $pubObject->getBestGalleyId($journal); break; case 'SuppFile': $doiSuffix = (string) $pubObject->getBestSuppFileId($journal); break; default: assert(false); } // When the suffix equals the object's ID then // require an object-specific prefix to be sure that // the suffix is unique. if ($pubObjectType != 'Article' && $doiSuffix === (string) $pubObject->getId()) { $doiSuffix = strtolower_codesafe($pubObjectType{0}) . $doiSuffix; } break; case 'customId': $doiSuffix = $pubObject->getData('doiSuffix'); break; case 'pattern': $doiSuffix = $this->getSetting($journalId, "doi${pubObjectType}SuffixPattern"); // %j - journal initials $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%j/', String::strtolower($journal->getLocalizedSetting('initials', $journal->getPrimaryLocale())), $doiSuffix); // %x - custom identifier if ($pubObject->getStoredPubId('publisher-id')) { $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%x/', $pubObject->getStoredPubId('publisher-id'), $doiSuffix); } if ($issue) { // %v - volume number $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%v/', $issue->getVolume(), $doiSuffix); // %i - issue number $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%i/', $issue->getNumber(), $doiSuffix); // %Y - year $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%Y/', $issue->getYear(), $doiSuffix); } if ($article) { // %a - article id $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%a/', $article->getId(), $doiSuffix); // %p - page number if ($article->getPages()) { $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%p/', $article->getPages(), $doiSuffix); } } if ($galley) { // %g - galley id $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%g/', $galley->getId(), $doiSuffix); } if ($suppFile) { // %s - supp file id $doiSuffix = String::regexp_replace('/%s/', $suppFile->getId(), $doiSuffix); } break; default: $doiSuffix = String::strtolower($journal->getLocalizedSetting('initials', $journal->getPrimaryLocale())); if ($issue) { $doiSuffix .= '.v' . $issue->getVolume() . 'i' . $issue->getNumber(); } else { $doiSuffix .= '.v%vi%i'; } if ($article) { $doiSuffix .= '.' . $article->getId(); } if ($galley) { $doiSuffix .= '.g' . $galley->getId(); } if ($suppFile) { $doiSuffix .= '.s' . $suppFile->getId(); } } if (empty($doiSuffix)) return null; // Join prefix and suffix. $doi = $doiPrefix . '/' . $doiSuffix; if (!$preview) { // Save the generated DOI. $this->setStoredPubId($pubObject, $pubObjectType, $doi); } } return $doi; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getPubIdType() */ function getPubIdType() { return 'doi'; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getPubIdDisplayType() */ function getPubIdDisplayType() { return 'DOI'; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getPubIdFullName() */ function getPubIdFullName() { return 'Digital Object Identifier'; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getResolvingURL() */ function getResolvingURL($journalId, $pubId) { return ''.$this->_doiURLEncode($pubId); } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getFormFieldNames() */ function getFormFieldNames() { return array('doiSuffix', 'excludeDoi'); } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getExcludeFormFieldName() */ function getExcludeFormFieldName() { return 'excludeDoi'; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::isEnabled() */ function isEnabled($pubObjectType, $journalId) { return $this->getSetting($journalId, "enable${pubObjectType}Doi") == '1'; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getDAOFieldNames() */ function getDAOFieldNames() { return array('pub-id::doi'); } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getPubIdMetadataFile() */ function getPubIdMetadataFile() { return $this->getTemplatePath().'doiSuffixEdit.tpl'; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::getSettingsFormName() */ function getSettingsFormName() { return 'classes.form.DOISettingsForm'; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::verifyData() */ function verifyData($fieldName, $fieldValue, &$pubObject, $journalId, &$errorMsg) { // Verify DOI uniqueness. if ($fieldName == 'doiSuffix') { if (empty($fieldValue)) return true; // Construct the potential new DOI with the posted suffix. $doiPrefix = $this->getSetting($journalId, 'doiPrefix'); if (empty($doiPrefix)) return true; $newDoi = $doiPrefix . '/' . $fieldValue; if($this->checkDuplicate($newDoi, $pubObject, $journalId)) { return true; } else { $errorMsg = __('plugins.pubIds.doi.editor.doiSuffixCustomIdentifierNotUnique'); return false; } } return true; } /** * @see PubIdPlugin::validatePubId() */ function validatePubId($pubId) { return preg_match('/^\d+(.\d+)+\//', $pubId); } /* * Private methods */ /** * Encode DOI according to ANSI/NISO Z39.84-2005, Appendix E. * @param $pubId string * @return string */ function _doiURLEncode($pubId) { $search = array ('%', '"', '#', ' ', '<', '>', '{'); $replace = array ('%25', '%22', '%23', '%20', '%3c', '%3e', '%7b'); $pubId = str_replace($search, $replace, $pubId); return $pubId; } } ?>