Object for Review: Due Date Reminder Dear {$authorName}: This is a friendly reminder that your object review of {$objectForReviewTitle} is due {$objectForReviewDueDate}. To submit your object review, please log into the journal website and complete the online article submission process. For your convenience, a submission URL has been provided below. Submission URL: {$submissionUrl} Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this object review. Thank you for your contribution to the journal and I look forward to receiving your submission. {$editorialContactSignature} This is an automatically generated email that is sent to an object for review author as a reminder that the due date for the review is approaching. Object for Review: Review Due Dear {$authorName}: This is a friendly reminder that your object review of {$objectForReviewTitle} was due {$objectForReviewDueDate} but has not been received yet. To submit your object review, please log into the journal website and complete the online article submission process. For your convenience, a submission URL has been provided below. Submission URL: {$submissionUrl} Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this object review. Thank you for your contribution to the journal and I look forward to receiving your submission. {$editorialContactSignature} This is an automatically generated email that is sent to an object for review author after the review due date has passed. Object for Review: Object Assigned Dear {$authorName}: This email confirms that {$objectForReviewTitle} has been assigned to you for an object review to be completed by {$objectForReviewDueDate}. Please ensure that your mailing address in your online user profile is up-to-date. This address will be used to mail a copy of the object to you for the review. The mailing address that we currently have on file is: {$authorMailingAddress} If this address is incomplete or you are no longer at this address, please use the following user profile URL to update your address: User Profile URL: {$userProfileUrl} To submit your object review, please log into the journal website and complete the online article submission process. Submission URL: {$submissionUrl} Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this object review. {$editorialContactSignature} This email is sent by an editor to an object review author when an editor assigns the object for review to the author. Object for Review Dear {$authorName}: Unfortunately, I am not able to assign {$objectForReviewTitle} to you at this time for an object review. I hope you consider reviewing another object from our listing, either at this time or in the future. {$editorialContactSignature} This email is sent by an editor to an interested author when an object is no longer available for review. Object for Review: Object Requested Dear {$editorName}: I am interested in writing an object review of {$objectForReviewTitle}. Can you please confirm whether this object is still available for review? {$authorContactSignature} This email is sent to an editor by an author interested in writing an object review for a listed object. Object for Review: Object Mailed Dear {$authorName}: This email confirms that I have mailed a copy of {$objectForReviewTitle} to the following mailing address from your online user profile: {$authorMailingAddress} To submit your object review, please log into the journal website and complete the online article submission process. Submission URL: {$submissionUrl} Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this object review. {$editorialContactSignature} This email is sent by an editor to an object review author when the editor has mailed a copy of the object to the author. Object for Review Dear {$authorName}: This email confirms that you have been removed as the object reviewer for {$objectForReviewTitle}. I hope you consider reviewing another object from our listing, either at this time or in the future. {$editorialContactSignature} This email is sent by an editor to an interested author when an object is no longer available for review.