plugin =& $plugin; $this->installPath = $installPath; $this->errors = array(); } function getConfigFilename() { $variablesScriptPath = $this->installPath . '/variables.php'; if (!file_exists($variablesScriptPath)) return null; require_once($variablesScriptPath); return $this->installPath . '/var/' . Request::getServerHost() . '.conf.php'; } function isConfigured() { return file_exists($this->getConfigFilename()); } function loadConfig() { $fp = null; $config = @parse_ini_file($this->getConfigFilename(), true); if (!$config) { $this->errors[] = __('plugins.generic.openads.error.configFileNotFound', array('filename' => $configFilename)); return false; } if ( !isset($config['database']['type']) || $config['database']['type'] != 'mysql' || !isset($config['database']['username']) || !isset($config['database']['password']) || !isset($config['database']['name']) || !isset($config['table']['prefix']) ) { // There was at least one missing required configuration item. $this->errors[] = __('plugins.generic.openads.error.missingParameter'); return false; } $this->config = $config; return true; } function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } function getAds() { $conn =& $this->getConnection(); $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->config['table']['prefix'] . 'zones', $conn); $returner = array(); $this->plugin->import('Ad'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $ad = new Ad($this); $ad->setName($row['zonename']); $ad->setAdId($row['zoneid']); $returner[] =& $ad; unset($ad); } mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($conn); return $returner; } /** * Get a connection to the OpenAds database. */ function &getConnection() { $dbPort = !empty($this->config['database']['port'])?((int) $this->config['database']['port']):3306; $dbHost = $this->config['database']['host']; $conn = mysql_connect ($dbHost . ':' . $dbPort, $this->config['database']['username'], $this->config['database']['password']); if (!$conn) { $this->errors[] = __('plugins.generic.openads.error.dbConnectionError'); $returner = false; return $returner; } mysql_select_db ($this->config['database']['name'], $conn); return $conn; } function getAdHtml($adId) { if (!$adId) return ''; require_once($this->installPath . '/'); if (!isset($phpAds_context)) $phpAds_context = array(); $result = view_raw ("zone:$adId", 0, '', '', '0', $phpAds_context); return $result['html']; } } ?>