Ext.namespace('Ext.ux'); /** * @class Ext.ux.FitToParent * @extends Object *
Plugin for {@link Ext.BoxComponent BoxComponent} and descendants that adjusts the size of the component to fit inside a parent element
*The following example will adjust the size of the panel to fit inside the element with id="some-el":
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Test',
renderTo: 'some-el',
plugins: ['fittoparent']
* It is also possible to specify additional parameters:
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Test',
renderTo: 'other-el',
autoHeight: true,
plugins: [
new Ext.ux.FitToParent({
parent: 'parent-el',
fitHeight: false,
offsets: [10, 0]
* The element the component is rendered to needs to have style="overflow:hidden", otherwise the component will only grow to fit the parent element, but it will never shrink.
*Note: This plugin should not be used when the parent element is the document body. In this case you should use a {@link Ext.Viewport Viewport} container.
*/ Ext.ux.FitToParent = Ext.extend(Object, { /** * @cfg {HTMLElement/Ext.Element/String} parent The element to fit the component size to (defaults to the element the component is rendered to). */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} fitWidth If the plugin should fit the width of the component to the parent element (default true). */ fitWidth: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} fitHeight If the plugin should fit the height of the component to the parent element (default true). */ fitHeight: true, /** * @cfg {Boolean} offsets Decreases the final size with [width, height] (default [0, 0]). */ offsets: [0, 0], /** * @constructor * @param {HTMLElement/Ext.Element/String/Object} config The parent element or configuration options. * @ptype fittoparent */ constructor: function(config) { config = config || {}; if(config.tagName || config.dom || Ext.isString(config)){ config = {parent: config}; } Ext.apply(this, config); }, init: function(c) { this.component = c; c.on('render', function(c) { this.parent = Ext.get(this.parent || c.getPositionEl().dom.parentNode); if(c.doLayout){ c.monitorResize = true; c.doLayout = c.doLayout.createInterceptor(this.fitSize, this); } else { this.fitSize(); Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.fitSize, this); } }, this, {single: true}); }, fitSize: function() { var pos = this.component.getPosition(true), size = this.parent.getViewSize(); this.component.setSize( this.fitWidth ? size.width - pos[0] - this.offsets[0] : undefined, this.fitHeight ? size.height - pos[1] - this.offsets[1] : undefined); } }); Ext.preg('fittoparent', Ext.ux.FitToParent);