wplogin_url); $admin_redirect ="{$url_new_rtrim}/wp-admin/admin.php?page=duplicator-tools&tab=diagnostics"; $safe_mode = DUPX_U::sanitize_text_field($_POST['exe_safe_mode']); $admin_redirect = "{$admin_redirect}&sm={$safe_mode}" ; $admin_redirect = urlencode($admin_redirect); $admin_url_qry = (strpos($admin_base, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&'; $admin_login = "{$url_new_rtrim}/{$admin_base}{$admin_url_qry}redirect_to={$admin_redirect}"; // Few machines doen's have utf8_decode if (!function_exists('utf8_decode')) { function utf8_decode($s) { $s = (string) $s; $len = strlen($s); for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $len; ++$i, ++$j) { switch ($s[$i] & "\xF0") { case "\xC0": case "\xD0": $c = (\ord($s[$i] & "\x1F") << 6) | \ord($s[++$i] & "\x3F"); $s[$j] = $c < 256 ? \chr($c) : '?'; break; case "\xF0": ++$i; // no break case "\xE0": $s[$j] = '?'; $i += 2; break; default: $s[$j] = $s[$i]; } } return substr($s, 0, $j); } } //Sanitize $json_result = true; $_POST['json'] = isset($_POST['json']) ? DUPX_U::esc_attr($_POST['json']) : 'json data not set'; $json_data = utf8_decode(urldecode($_POST['json'])); $json_decode = json_decode($json_data); if ($json_decode == NULL || $json_decode == FALSE) { $json_data = "{'json reset invalid form value sent. Possible site script attempt'}"; $json_result = false; } ?>
Step 4 of 4: Test Site

Step 4 - Page Load
Login to the WordPress Admin to finalize this install.

Safe Mode
Safe mode has deactivated all plugins. Please be sure to enable your plugins after logging in. If you notice that problems arise when activating the plugins then active them one-by-one to isolate the plugin that could be causing the issue.
IMPORTANT FINAL STEPS: Login into the WordPress Admin to remove all and finalize the install process. This install is NOT complete until all installer files have been completely removed. Leaving any of the installer files on this server can lead to security issues.

step1->query_errs > 0) { $linkAttr = './'.DUPX_U::esc_attr($GLOBALS["LOG_FILE_NAME"]); $longMsg = <<install-log.txt file and and marked with an **ERROR** status. If you experience a few errors (under 5), in many cases they can be ignored as long as your site is working correctly. However if you see a large amount of errors or you experience an issue with your site then the error messages in the log file will need to be investigated.

COMMON FIXES: LONGMSG; $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'STEP 2 - INSTALL NOTICES ('.$json_decode->step1->query_errs.')', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::HARD_WARNING, 'longMsg' => $longMsg, 'longMsgMode'=> DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::MSG_MODE_HTML, 'sections' => array('database'), 'priority' => 5, 'open' => true )); } if ($json_decode->step3->errsql_sum > 0) { $longMsg = <<addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'STEP 3 - UPDATE NOTICES ('.$json_decode->step3->errsql_sum.')', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::HARD_WARNING, 'longMsg' => $longMsg, 'sections' => array('database'), 'priority' => 5, 'open' => true )); } if ($json_decode->step3->errkey_sum > 0) { $longMsg = <<
Advanced Searching:
Use the following query to locate the table that was not updated:
SELECT @row := @row + 1 as row, t.* FROM some_table t, (SELECT @row := 0) r
LONGMSG; $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'TABLE KEY NOTICES ('.$json_decode->step3->errkey_sum.')', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::SOFT_WARNING, 'longMsg' => $longMsg, 'longMsgMode'=> DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::MSG_MODE_HTML, 'sections' => array('database'), 'priority' => 5, 'open' => true )); } if ($json_decode->step3->errser_sum > 0) { $longMsg = <<addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'SERIALIZATION NOTICES ('.$json_decode->step3->errser_sum.')', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::SOFT_WARNING, 'longMsg' => $longMsg, 'sections' => array('search_replace'), 'priority' => 5, 'open' => true )); } $numGeneralNotices = $nManager->countFinalReportNotices('general', DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::NOTICE, '>='); if ($numGeneralNotices == 0) { $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'No general notices', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::INFO, 'sections' => array('general'), 'priority' => 5 )); } else { $longMsg = <<WordPress Codex. LONGMSG; $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'Info', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::INFO, 'longMsg' => $longMsg, 'longMsgMode'=> DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::MSG_MODE_HTML, 'sections' => array('general'), 'priority' => 5, 'open' => true )); } $numDbNotices = $nManager->countFinalReportNotices('database', DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::NOTICE, '>='); if ($numDbNotices == 0) { $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'No errors in database', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::INFO, 'longMsg' => '', 'sections' => 'database', 'priority' => 5 ), DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::ADD_UNIQUE_UPDATE, 'query_err_counts'); } else if ($numDbNotices <= 10) { $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'Some errors in the database ('.$numDbNotices.')', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::SOFT_WARNING, 'longMsg' => '', 'sections' => 'database', 'priority' => 5 ), DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::ADD_UNIQUE_UPDATE, 'query_err_counts'); } else if ($numDbNotices <= 100) { $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'Errors in the database ('.$numDbNotices.')', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::HARD_WARNING, 'longMsg' => '', 'sections' => 'database', 'priority' => 5 ), DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::ADD_UNIQUE_UPDATE, 'query_err_counts'); } else { $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'Many errors in the database ('.$numDbNotices.')', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::CRITICAL, 'longMsg' => '', 'sections' => 'database', 'priority' => 5 ), DUPX_NOTICE_MANAGER::ADD_UNIQUE_UPDATE, 'query_err_counts'); } $numSerNotices = $nManager->countFinalReportNotices('search_replace', DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::NOTICE, '>='); if ($numSerNotices == 0) { $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'No search and replace data errors', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::INFO, 'longMsg' => '', 'sections' => 'search_replace', 'priority' => 5 )); } $numFilesNotices = $nManager->countFinalReportNotices('files', DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::NOTICE, '>='); if ($numFilesNotices == 0) { $nManager->addFinalReportNotice(array( 'shortMsg' => 'No files extraction errors', 'level' => DUPX_NOTICE_ITEM::INFO, 'longMsg' => '', 'sections' => 'files', 'priority' => 5 )); } $nManager->sortFinalReport(); $nManager->finalReportLog(array('general','files','database','search_replace')); ?>
Additional Details:
  • Review Migration Report

    Files notices () getSectionErrLevelHtml('files'); ?>
    Database Notices () getSectionErrLevelHtml('database'); ?>
    Search & Replace Notices () getSectionErrLevelHtml('search_replace'); ?>
    General Notices () getSectionErrLevelHtml('general'); ?>

  • Review this sites front-end or re-run the installer and ">go back to step 1
  • getFinalReporNoticeById('wp-config-changes'); $htaccessNorice = $nManager->getFinalReporNoticeById('htaccess-changes'); ?>
  • Please validate longMsg; ?> and longMsg; ?>
  • For additional help and questions visit the online FAQs