array( 'form_name' => __( 'Login form', 'google-captcha' ) ), 'registration_form' => array( 'form_name' => __( 'Registration form', 'google-captcha' ) ), 'reset_pwd_form' => array( 'form_name' => __( 'Reset password form', 'google-captcha' ) ), 'comments_form' => array( 'form_name' => __( 'Comments form', 'google-captcha' ) ), 'contact_form' => array( 'form_name' => 'Contact Form' ), 'testimonials' => array( 'form_name' => __( 'Testimonials', 'google-captcha' ) ), ); $custom_forms = apply_filters( 'gglcptch_add_custom_form', array() ); $gglcptch_forms = array_merge( $default_forms, $custom_forms ); foreach ( $gglcptch_forms as $form_slug => $form_data ) { $gglcptch_forms[ $form_slug ]['form_notice'] = gglcptch_get_form_notice( $form_slug ); } $gglcptch_forms = apply_filters( 'gglcptch_forms', $gglcptch_forms ); return $gglcptch_forms; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_get_sections' ) ) { function gglcptch_get_sections() { global $gglcptch_sections; $default_sections = array( 'standard' => array( 'name' => __( 'WordPress default', 'google-captcha' ), 'forms' => array( 'login_form', 'registration_form', 'reset_pwd_form', 'comments_form', ), ), 'external' => array( 'name' => __( 'External Plugins', 'google-captcha' ), 'forms' => array( 'contact_form', 'testimonials', ), ), ); $custom_forms = apply_filters( 'gglcptch_add_custom_form', array() ); $custom_sections = ( empty( $custom_forms ) ) ? array() : array( 'custom' => array( 'name' => __( 'Custom Forms', 'google-captcha' ), 'forms' => array_keys( $custom_forms ), ), ); $gglcptch_sections = array_merge( $default_sections, $custom_sections ); foreach ( $gglcptch_sections as $section_slug => $section_data ) { $gglcptch_sections[ $section_slug ]['section_notice'] = gglcptch_get_section_notice( $section_slug ); } $gglcptch_sections = apply_filters( 'gglcptch_sections', $gglcptch_sections ); return $gglcptch_sections; } } /* Add reCaptcha forms to the Limit Attempts plugin */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_add_lmtttmpts_forms' ) ) { function gglcptch_add_lmtttmpts_forms( $forms = array() ) { if ( ! is_array( $forms ) ) { $forms = array(); } $forms['gglcptch'] = array( 'name' => __( 'reCaptcha Plugin', 'google-captcha' ), 'forms' => array(), ); $recaptcha_forms = gglcptch_get_forms(); foreach ( $recaptcha_forms as $form_slug => $form_data ) { $forms['gglcptch']['forms'][ "{$form_slug}_captcha_check" ] = $form_data; if ( empty( $form_data['form_notice'] ) ) { $forms['gglcptch']['forms'][ "{$form_slug}_captcha_check" ]['form_notice'] = gglcptch_get_section_notice( $form_slug ); } } return $forms; } } /** * Display section notice * * @access public * @param $section_slug string * @return array The action results */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_get_section_notice' ) ) { function gglcptch_get_section_notice( $section_slug = '' ) { $section_notice = ''; $plugins = array( /* Example: */ /* 'bbpress' => 'bbpress/bbpress.php' */ ); $plugins = apply_filters( 'gglcptch_custom_plugin_section_notice', $plugins ); $is_network_admin = is_network_admin(); if ( isset( $plugins[ $section_slug ] ) ) { $slug = explode( '/', $plugins[ $section_slug ] ); $slug = $slug[0]; $plugin_info = gglcptch_plugin_status( $plugins[ $section_slug ], get_plugins(), $is_network_admin ); if ( 'deactivated' === $plugin_info['status'] ) { $section_notice = '' . __( 'Activate', 'google-captcha' ) . ''; } elseif ( 'not_installed' === $plugin_info['status'] ) { $section_notice = sprintf( '%s', $slug, __( 'Install Now', 'google-captcha' ) ); } } return apply_filters( 'gglcptch_section_notice', $section_notice, $section_slug ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_get_form_notice' ) ) { function gglcptch_get_form_notice( $form_slug = '' ) { global $wp_version, $gglcptch_plugin_info; $form_notice = ''; $plugins = array( 'contact_form' => array( 'contact-form-plugin/contact_form.php', 'contact-form-pro/contact_form_pro.php' ), 'testimonials' => 'bws-testimonials/bws-testimonials.php', ); if ( isset( $plugins[ $form_slug ] ) ) { $plugin_info = gglcptch_plugin_status( $plugins[ $form_slug ], get_plugins(), is_network_admin() ); if ( 'deactivated' === $plugin_info['status'] ) { $form_notice = '' . __( 'Activate', 'google-captcha' ) . ''; } elseif ( 'not_installed' === $plugin_info['status'] ) { if ( 'contact_form' === $form_slug ) { $form_notice = '' . __( 'Install Now', 'google-captcha' ) . ''; } else { $slug = explode( '/', $plugins[ $form_slug ] ); $slug = $slug[0]; $form_notice = sprintf( '%s', $slug, __( 'Install Now', 'google-captcha' ) ); } } } return apply_filters( 'gglcptch_form_notice', $form_notice, $form_slug ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_add_actions' ) ) { function gglcptch_add_actions() { global $gglcptch_options; $is_user_logged_in = is_user_logged_in(); if ( ! empty( $gglcptch_options['login_form'] ) || ! empty( $gglcptch_options['reset_pwd_form'] ) || ! empty( $gglcptch_options['registration_form'] ) ) { if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( 'login_form', $is_user_logged_in ) ) { add_action( 'login_form', 'gglcptch_login_display' ); add_action( 'authenticate', 'gglcptch_login_check', 21, 1 ); } if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( 'registration_form', $is_user_logged_in ) ) { if ( ! is_multisite() ) { add_action( 'register_form', 'gglcptch_login_display', 99 ); add_action( 'registration_errors', 'gglcptch_register_check', 10, 1 ); } else { add_action( 'signup_extra_fields', 'gglcptch_signup_display' ); add_action( 'signup_blogform', 'gglcptch_signup_display' ); add_filter( 'wpmu_validate_user_signup', 'gglcptch_signup_check', 10, 3 ); } } if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( 'reset_pwd_form', $is_user_logged_in ) ) { add_action( 'lostpassword_form', 'gglcptch_login_display' ); add_action( 'allow_password_reset', 'gglcptch_lostpassword_check' ); } } /* Add Google Captcha to WP comments */ if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( 'comments_form', $is_user_logged_in ) ) { add_action( 'comment_form_after_fields', 'gglcptch_commentform_display' ); add_action( 'comment_form_logged_in_after', 'gglcptch_commentform_display' ); add_action( 'pre_comment_on_post', 'gglcptch_commentform_check' ); } /* Add Google Captcha to Contact Form by BestWebSoft */ if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( 'contact_form', $is_user_logged_in ) ) { add_filter( 'cntctfrm_display_captcha', 'gglcptch_display', 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'cntctfrm_check_form', 'gglcptch_contact_form_check' ); } /* Add Google Captcha to Testimonials by BestWebSoft */ if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( 'testimonials', $is_user_logged_in ) ) { add_filter( 'tstmnls_display_recaptcha', 'gglcptch_display', 10, 0 ); } do_action( 'gglcptch_add_plus_actions', $is_user_logged_in ); } } /* Echo google captcha */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_echo_recaptcha' ) ) { function gglcptch_echo_recaptcha( $content = '' ) { echo gglcptch_display( $content ); } } /* Add google captcha to the login form */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_login_display' ) ) { function gglcptch_login_display() { global $gglcptch_options; if ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) ) { if ( 'v2' === $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) { $from_width = 302; ?> errors['empty_username'] ) && isset( $user->errors['empty_password'] ) ) { return $user; } /* Skip check if connecting to XMLRPC */ if ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) ) { return $user; } $gglcptch_check = gglcptch_check( 'login_form' ); if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] ) { if ( 'VERIFICATION_FAILED' === $gglcptch_check['reason'] ) { wp_clear_auth_cookie(); } $error_code = ( is_wp_error( $user ) ) ? $user->get_error_code() : 'incorrect_password'; $errors = new WP_Error( $error_code, __( 'Authentication failed.', 'google-captcha' ) ); $gglcptch_errors = $gglcptch_check['errors']->errors; foreach ( $gglcptch_errors as $code => $messages ) { foreach ( $messages as $message ) { $errors->add( $code, $message ); } } $gglcptch_check['errors'] = $errors; return $gglcptch_check['errors']; } return $user; } } /* Check google captcha in registration form */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_register_check' ) ) { function gglcptch_register_check( $allow ) { if ( gglcptch_is_woocommerce_page() ) { return $allow; } /* Skip check if connecting to XMLRPC */ if ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) ) { return $allow; } $gglcptch_check = gglcptch_check( 'registration_form' ); if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] ) { return $gglcptch_check['errors']; } $_POST['g-recaptcha-response-check'] = true; return $allow; } } /* Check google captcha in lostpassword form */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_lostpassword_check' ) ) { function gglcptch_lostpassword_check( $allow ) { if ( gglcptch_is_woocommerce_page() || ( isset( $_POST['g-recaptcha-response-check'] ) && true === $_POST['g-recaptcha-response-check'] ) ) { return $allow; } $gglcptch_check = gglcptch_check( 'reset_pwd_form' ); if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] ) { return $gglcptch_check['errors']; } return $allow; } } /* Add google captcha to the multisite login form */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_signup_display' ) ) { function gglcptch_signup_display( $errors ) { if ( $error_message = $errors->get_error_message( 'gglcptch_error' ) ) { printf( '
', wp_kses_post( $error_message ) ); } if ( $error_message = $errors->get_error_message( 'lmttmpts_error' ) ) { printf( '%s
', wp_kses_post( $error_message ) ); } echo gglcptch_display(); } } /* Check google captcha in multisite login form */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_signup_check' ) ) { function gglcptch_signup_check( $result ) { global $current_user; if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && ! empty( $current_user->data->ID ) ) { return $result; } $gglcptch_check = gglcptch_check( 'registration_form' ); if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] ) { $result['errors'] = $gglcptch_check['errors']; return $result; } return $result; } } /* Add google captcha to the comment form */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_commentform_display' ) ) { function gglcptch_commentform_display() { if ( gglcptch_is_hidden_for_role() ) { return; } echo gglcptch_display(); return true; } } /* Check JS enabled for comment form */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_commentform_check' ) ) { function gglcptch_commentform_check() { $gglcptch_check = gglcptch_check( 'comments_form' ); if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] ) { $message = gglcptch_get_message( $gglcptch_check['reason'] ) . '