' . __('Upgrade to Pro', 'google-captcha' ) . '', 'manage_options', 'https://bestwebsoft.com/products/wordpress/plugins/google-captcha/?k=b850d949ccc1239cab0da315c3c822ab&pn=109&v=' . $gglcptch_plugin_info["Version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version ); } /* pls*/ add_action( "load-{$settings_page}", 'gglcptch_add_tabs' ); add_action( "load-{$allowlist_page}", 'gglcptch_add_tabs' ); } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_plugins_loaded' ) ) { function gglcptch_plugins_loaded() { /* Internationalization, first(!) */ load_plugin_textdomain( 'google-captcha', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_init' ) ) { function gglcptch_init() { global $gglcptch_plugin_info, $gglcptch_options, $pagenow; require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/bws_menu/bws_include.php' ); bws_include_init( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); if ( empty( $gglcptch_plugin_info ) ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugin_data' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } $gglcptch_plugin_info = get_plugin_data( __FILE__ ); } /* Function check if plugin is compatible with current WP version */ bws_wp_min_version_check( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), $gglcptch_plugin_info, '4.5' ); $is_user_edit_page = isset( $pagenow ) && 'user-edit.php' == $pagenow; $is_admin = is_admin() && ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || ! $is_user_edit_page ); /* Call register settings function */ if ( ! $is_admin || ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && 'google-captcha.php' == $_GET['page'] ) ) { register_gglcptch_settings(); } /* Add hooks */ if ( ! $is_admin && ! empty( $gglcptch_options['public_key'] ) && ! empty( $gglcptch_options['private_key'] ) ) { gglcptch_add_actions(); } } } /** * Activation plugin function */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_plugin_activate' ) ) { function gglcptch_plugin_activate( $networkwide ) { /* Activation function for network, check if it is a network activation - if so, run the activation function for each blog id */ if ( is_multisite() ) { switch_to_blog( 1 ); register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, 'gglcptch_delete_options' ); restore_current_blog(); } else { register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, 'gglcptch_delete_options' ); } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_admin_init' ) ) { function gglcptch_admin_init() { global $pagenow, $bws_plugin_info, $gglcptch_plugin_info, $gglcptch_options; if ( empty( $bws_plugin_info ) ) { $bws_plugin_info = array( 'id' => '109', 'version' => $gglcptch_plugin_info["Version"] ); } /*pls */ if ( 'plugins.php' == $pagenow ) { if ( empty( $gglcptch_options ) ) register_gglcptch_settings(); if ( function_exists( 'bws_plugin_banner_go_pro' ) ) { bws_plugin_banner_go_pro( $gglcptch_options, $gglcptch_plugin_info, 'gglcptch', 'google-captcha', '676d9558f9786ab41d7de35335cf5c4d', '109', 'google-captcha' ); } } /* pls*/ } } /* Add google captcha styles */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_add_admin_script_styles' ) ) { function gglcptch_add_admin_script_styles() { global $gglcptch_plugin_info; /* css for displaing an icon */ wp_enqueue_style( 'gglcptch_admin_page_stylesheet', plugins_url( 'css/admin_page.css', __FILE__ ) ); if ( isset( $_REQUEST['page'] ) && ( 'google-captcha.php' == $_REQUEST['page'] || 'google-captcha-allowlist.php' == $_REQUEST['page'] ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'gglcptch_stylesheet', plugins_url( 'css/style.css', __FILE__ ), array(), $gglcptch_plugin_info['Version'] ); wp_enqueue_script( 'gglcptch_admin_script', plugins_url( 'js/admin_script.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-accordion' ), $gglcptch_plugin_info['Version'] ); bws_enqueue_settings_scripts(); bws_plugins_include_codemirror(); } } } /* Add google captcha admin styles for test key */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_admin_footer' ) ) { function gglcptch_admin_footer() { global $gglcptch_plugin_info, $gglcptch_options; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['page'] ) && 'google-captcha.php' == $_REQUEST['page'] ) { /* update $gglcptch_options */ register_gglcptch_settings(); $api_url = gglcptch_get_api_url(); /* for gglcptch test key */ if ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) && in_array( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'], array( 'v2', 'invisible' ) ) ) { $deps = ( ! empty( $gglcptch_options['disable_submit'] ) ) ? array( 'gglcptch_pre_api' ) : array( 'jquery' ); } else { $deps = array(); } wp_register_script( 'gglcptch_api', $api_url, $deps, $gglcptch_plugin_info['Version'], true ); gglcptch_add_scripts(); } } } /** * Remove dublicate scripts */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_remove_dublicate_scripts' ) ) { function gglcptch_remove_dublicate_scripts() { global $wp_scripts; if ( ! is_object( $wp_scripts ) || empty( $wp_scripts ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $wp_scripts->registered as $script_name => $args ) { if ( preg_match( "|google\.com/recaptcha/api\.js|", $args->src ) && 'gglcptch_api' != $script_name ) { /* remove a previously enqueued script */ wp_dequeue_script( $script_name ); } } } } /** * Add google captcha styles */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_add_styles' ) ) { function gglcptch_add_styles() { global $gglcptch_plugin_info, $gglcptch_options; wp_enqueue_style( 'gglcptch', plugins_url( 'css/gglcptch.css', __FILE__ ), array(), $gglcptch_plugin_info["Version"] ); if ( defined( 'BWS_ENQUEUE_ALL_SCRIPTS' ) && BWS_ENQUEUE_ALL_SCRIPTS ) { if ( ! wp_script_is( 'gglcptch_api', 'registered' ) ) { $api_url = gglcptch_get_api_url(); if ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) && in_array( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'], array( 'v2', 'invisible' ) ) ) { $deps = ( ! empty( $gglcptch_options['disable_submit'] ) ) ? array( 'gglcptch_pre_api' ) : array( 'jquery' ); } else { $deps = array(); } wp_register_script( 'gglcptch_api', $api_url, $deps, $gglcptch_plugin_info['Version'], true ); add_action( 'wp_footer', 'gglcptch_add_scripts' ); if ( $gglcptch_options['login_form'] || $gglcptch_options['reset_pwd_form'] || $gglcptch_options['registration_form'] ) { add_action( 'login_footer', 'gglcptch_add_scripts' ); } } } } } /** * Add google captcha js scripts */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_add_scripts' ) ) { function gglcptch_add_scripts() { global $gglcptch_options, $gglcptch_plugin_info; if ( empty( $gglcptch_options ) ) { register_gglcptch_settings(); } if ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) ) { gglcptch_remove_dublicate_scripts(); if ( ! empty( $gglcptch_options['disable_submit'] ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'gglcptch_pre_api', plugins_url( 'js/pre-api-script.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery'), $gglcptch_plugin_info['Version'], true ); wp_localize_script( 'gglcptch_pre_api', 'gglcptch_pre', array( 'messages' => array( 'in_progress' => __( 'Please wait until Google reCAPTCHA is loaded.', 'google-captcha' ), 'timeout' => __( 'Failed to load Google reCAPTCHA. Please check your internet connection and reload this page.', 'google-captcha' ) ), 'custom_callback' => apply_filters( 'gglcptch_custom_callback', '' ) ) ); } } wp_enqueue_script( 'gglcptch_script', plugins_url( 'js/script.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery', 'gglcptch_api' ), $gglcptch_plugin_info["Version"], true ); do_action( 'gglcptch_custom_enqueue_script' ); $options = array( 'version' => $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'], 'sitekey' => $gglcptch_options['public_key'], 'error' => sprintf( '%s: %s', __( 'Warning', 'google-captcha' ), gglcptch_get_message( 'multiple_blocks' ) ), 'disable' => $gglcptch_options['disable_submit_button'] ); if ( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] == 'v2' ) $options['theme'] = $gglcptch_options['theme_v2']; wp_localize_script( 'gglcptch_script', 'gglcptch', array( 'options' => $options, 'vars' => array( 'visibility' => ( 'login_footer' == current_filter() ) ) ) ); if ( $gglcptch_options['hide_badge'] ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'gglcptch_hide', plugins_url( 'css/hide_badge.css', __FILE__ ), array(), $gglcptch_plugin_info['Version'] ); } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_pagination_callback' ) ) { function gglcptch_pagination_callback( $content ) { $content .= "if ( typeof Recaptcha != 'undefined' || typeof grecaptcha != 'undefined' ) { gglcptch.prepare(); }"; return $content; } } /** * Add the "async" attribute to our registered script. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_add_async_attribute' ) ) { function gglcptch_add_async_attribute( $tag, $handle ) { if ( 'gglcptch_api' == $handle ) { $tag = str_replace( ' src', ' data-cfasync="false" async="async" defer="defer" src', $tag ); } return $tag; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_create_table' ) ) { function gglcptch_create_table() { global $wpdb; require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$wpdb->prefix}gglcptch_allowlist` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ip` CHAR(31) NOT NULL, `ip_from_int` BIGINT, `ip_to_int` BIGINT, `add_time` DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"; dbDelta( $sql ); /* add unique key */ if ( ! $wpdb->query( "SHOW KEYS FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}gglcptch_allowlist` WHERE Key_name='ip'" ) ) { $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `{$wpdb->prefix}gglcptch_allowlist` ADD UNIQUE(`ip`);" ); } } } /* Google catpcha settings */ if ( ! function_exists( 'register_gglcptch_settings' ) ) { function register_gglcptch_settings() { global $wpdb, $gglcptch_options, $gglcptch_plugin_info; if ( empty( $gglcptch_plugin_info ) ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugin_data' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } $gglcptch_plugin_info = get_plugin_data( __FILE__ ); } $plugin_db_version = '0.2'; /* Install the option defaults */ if ( ! get_option( 'gglcptch_options' ) ) { add_option( 'gglcptch_options', gglcptch_get_default_options() ); } /* Get options from the database */ $gglcptch_options = get_option( 'gglcptch_options' ); /* Update tables when update plugin and tables changes*/ if ( ! isset( $gglcptch_options['plugin_db_version'] ) || $gglcptch_options['plugin_db_version'] != $plugin_db_version ) { if ( ! isset( $gglcptch_options['plugin_db_version'] ) ) { gglcptch_create_table(); } /** * @deprecated since 1.59 * @todo remove after 01.05.2021 */ if ( isset( $gglcptch_options['plugin_option_version'] ) && version_compare( $gglcptch_options['plugin_option_version'], '1.59', '<' ) ) { $prefix = $wpdb->prefix . 'gglcptch_'; /* Renaming a table */ $wpdb->query( "RENAME TABLE `" . $prefix . "whitelist` TO `" . $prefix . "allowlist`" ); /* Renaming old options to DB */ $gglcptch_options['allowlist_is_empty'] = $gglcptch_options['whitelist_is_empty']; $gglcptch_options['allowlist_message'] = $gglcptch_options['whitelist_message']; } /* end deprecated */ $gglcptch_options['plugin_db_version'] = $plugin_db_version; update_option( 'gglcptch_options', $gglcptch_options ); } /* Array merge incase this version has added new options */ if ( ! isset( $gglcptch_options['plugin_option_version'] ) || $gglcptch_options['plugin_option_version'] != $gglcptch_plugin_info["Version"] ) { $gglcptch_options = array_merge( gglcptch_get_default_options(), $gglcptch_options ); $gglcptch_options['plugin_option_version'] = $gglcptch_plugin_info["Version"]; /* show pro features */ $gglcptch_options['hide_premium_options'] = array(); if ( is_multisite() ) { switch_to_blog( 1 ); register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, 'gglcptch_delete_options' ); restore_current_blog(); } else { register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, 'gglcptch_delete_options' ); } update_option( 'gglcptch_options', $gglcptch_options ); } } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_get_default_options' ) ) { function gglcptch_get_default_options() { global $gglcptch_plugin_info; $default_options = array( 'allowlist_message' => __( 'You are in the allow list', 'google-captcha' ), 'public_key' => '', 'private_key' => '', 'login_form' => 0, 'registration_form' => 0, 'reset_pwd_form' => 1, 'comments_form' => 0, 'contact_form' => 0, 'testimonials' => 0, 'theme_v2' => 'light', 'recaptcha_version' => 'v2', 'plugin_option_version' => $gglcptch_plugin_info["Version"], 'first_install' => strtotime( "now" ), 'display_settings_notice' => 1, 'suggest_feature_banner' => 1, 'score_v3' => 0.5, 'hide_badge' => 0, 'disable_submit_button' => 0, 'use_globally' => 0 ); if ( function_exists( 'get_editable_roles' ) ) { foreach ( get_editable_roles() as $role => $fields ) { $default_options[ $role ] = '0'; } } return $default_options; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_plugin_status' ) ) { function gglcptch_plugin_status( $plugins, $all_plugins, $is_network ) { $result = array( 'status' => '', 'plugin' => '', 'plugin_info' => array(), ); foreach ( ( array )$plugins as $plugin ) { if ( array_key_exists( $plugin, $all_plugins ) ) { if ( ( $is_network && is_plugin_active_for_network( $plugin ) ) || ( ! $is_network && is_plugin_active( $plugin ) ) ) { $result['status'] = 'activated'; $result['plugin'] = $plugin; $result['plugin_info'] = $all_plugins[ $plugin ]; break; } else { $result['status'] = 'deactivated'; $result['plugin'] = $plugin; $result['plugin_info'] = $all_plugins[ $plugin ]; } } } if ( empty( $result['status'] ) ) { $result['status'] = 'not_installed'; } return $result; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_allowlisted_ip' ) ) { function gglcptch_allowlisted_ip() { global $wpdb, $gglcptch_options; $checked = false; if ( empty( $gglcptch_options ) ) { $gglcptch_options = get_option( 'gglcptch_options' ); } $allowlist_exist = $wpdb->query( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->prefix}gglcptch_allowlist'" ); if ( 1 === $allowlist_exist ) { $ip = gglcptch_get_ip(); if ( ! empty( $ip ) ) { $ip_int = sprintf( '%u', ip2long( $ip ) ); $result = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT `id` FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}gglcptch_allowlist` WHERE ( `ip_from_int` <= {$ip_int} AND `ip_to_int` >= {$ip_int} ) OR `ip` LIKE '{$ip}' LIMIT 1;" ); $checked = is_null( $result ) || ! $result ? false : true; } } return $checked; } } /* Display settings page */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_add_settings_page' ) ) { function gglcptch_add_settings_page() { global $gglcptch_plugin_info; /*pls */ require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/pro_banners.php' ); /* pls*/ if ( 'google-captcha.php' == $_GET['page'] ) { if ( ! class_exists( 'Bws_Settings_Tabs' ) ) { require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/bws_menu/class-bws-settings.php' ); } require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/class-gglcptch-settings-tabs.php' ); $page = new Gglcptch_Settings_Tabs( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); if ( method_exists( $page, 'add_request_feature' ) ) { $page->add_request_feature(); } } ?>

display_content(); } else { require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/includes/allowlist.php' ); $page = new Gglcptch_Allowlist( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); if ( is_object( $page ) ) { $page->display_content(); } /*pls */ bws_plugin_reviews_block( $gglcptch_plugin_info['Name'], 'google-captcha' ); /* pls*/ } ?>
roles[0] ) ) { $role = $current_user->roles[0]; if ( empty( $gglcptch_options ) ) { register_gglcptch_settings(); } return ! empty( $gglcptch_options[ $role ] ); } else { return false; } } } /* Display google captcha */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_display' ) ) { function gglcptch_display( $content = false ) { global $gglcptch_options, $gglcptch_count, $gglcptch_plugin_info; if ( empty( $gglcptch_options ) ) { register_gglcptch_settings(); } if ( ! gglcptch_allowlisted_ip() || ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) && 'gglcptch-test-keys' == $_GET['action'] ) ) { if ( ! $gglcptch_count ) { $gglcptch_count = 1; } $content .= '
'; if ( $gglcptch_options['hide_badge'] && 'v2' != $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) { $content .= sprintf( '
', __( 'This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google ', 'google-captcha' ), __( 'Privacy Policy', 'google-captcha' ), __( ' and ', 'google-captcha' ), __( 'Terms of Service', 'google-captcha' ), __( ' apply.', 'google-captcha' ) ); } if ( ! $gglcptch_options['private_key'] || ! $gglcptch_options['public_key'] ) { if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { $content .= sprintf( '%s %s %s %s.', __( 'To use reCaptcha you must get the keys from', 'google-captcha' ), __( 'here', 'google-captcha' ), __( 'and enter them on the', 'google-captcha' ), admin_url( '/admin.php?page=google-captcha.php' ), __( 'plugin setting page', 'google-captcha' ) ); } $content .= '
'; $gglcptch_count++; return $content; } $api_url = gglcptch_get_api_url(); /* generating random id value in case of getting content with pagination plugin for not getting duplicate id values */ $id = mt_rand(); if ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) && in_array( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'], array( 'v2', 'invisible' ) ) ) { $content .= '
'; $deps = ( ! empty( $gglcptch_options['disable_submit'] ) ) ? array( 'gglcptch_pre_api' ) : array( 'jquery' ); } elseif ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) && 'v3' == $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) { $content .= ''; } $content .= ''; $gglcptch_count++; /* register reCAPTCHA script */ if ( ! wp_script_is( 'gglcptch_api', 'registered' ) ) { if ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) && 'v3' == $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) { wp_register_script( 'gglcptch_api', $api_url, false, null, false ); } else { wp_register_script( 'gglcptch_api', $api_url, $deps, $gglcptch_plugin_info['Version'], true ); } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'gglcptch_add_scripts' ); if ( $gglcptch_options['login_form'] || $gglcptch_options['reset_pwd_form'] || $gglcptch_options['registration_form'] ) { add_action( 'login_footer', 'gglcptch_add_scripts' ); } } if ( ( ! isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) || ( ! strstr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-login.php' ) ) || ( '/wp-login.php?action=register' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] && $gglcptch_options['registration_form'] ) || ( '/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] && $gglcptch_options['reset_pwd_form'] ) || ( '/wp-login.php' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] && $gglcptch_options['login_form'] ) || ( strstr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-login.php' ) && strstr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'loggedout' ) && $gglcptch_options['login_form'] ) ) { gglcptch_add_styles(); } } elseif ( ! empty( $gglcptch_options['allowlist_message'] ) ) { $content .= ''; } return $content; } } /* Return google captcha content for custom form */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_display_custom' ) ) { function gglcptch_display_custom( $content = '', $form_slug = '' ) { if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( $form_slug ) ) { $content = gglcptch_display( $content ); } return $content; } } /* Get the reCAPTCHA api js url that corresponds to the reCAPTCHA version. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_get_api_url' ) ) { function gglcptch_get_api_url() { global $gglcptch_options; $use_globally = $gglcptch_options['use_globally'] ? 'recaptcha.net' : 'google.com'; switch ( true ) { case ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) && in_array( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'], array( 'v2', 'invisible' ) ) ) : $callback = ( ! empty( $gglcptch_options['disable_submit'] ) ) ? 'onload=gglcptch_onload_callback&' : ''; $api_url = sprintf( 'https://www.' . $use_globally . '/recaptcha/api.js?%srender=explicit', $callback ); break; case ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) && 'v3' == $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) : $api_url = sprintf( 'https://www.' . $use_globally . '/recaptcha/api.js?render=%s', $gglcptch_options['public_key'] ); break; default : $api_url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/js/recaptcha_ajax.js'; } return $api_url; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_get_response' ) ) { function gglcptch_get_response( $privatekey, $remote_ip ) { $args = array( 'body' => array( 'secret' => $privatekey, 'response' => isset( $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"] ) ? stripslashes( sanitize_text_field( $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"] ) ) : '', 'remoteip' => $remote_ip, ), 'sslverify' => false ); $resp = wp_remote_post( 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify', $args ); return json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $resp ), true ); } } /* Check google captcha */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_check' ) ) { function gglcptch_check( $form = 'general', $debug = false ) { global $gglcptch_options; if ( gglcptch_allowlisted_ip() && 'gglcptch_test' != $form ) { $result = array( 'response' => true, 'reason' => '' ); return $result; } if ( empty( $gglcptch_options ) ) { register_gglcptch_settings(); } if ( ! $gglcptch_options['public_key'] || ! $gglcptch_options['private_key'] ) { $errors = new WP_Error; $errors->add( 'gglcptch_error', gglcptch_get_message() ); return array( 'response' => false, 'reason' => 'ERROR_NO_KEYS', 'errors' => $errors ); } $gglcptch_remote_addr = filter_var( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); if ( isset( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] ) && in_array( $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'], array( 'v2', 'invisible', 'v3' ) ) ) { if ( ! isset( $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"] ) ) { $result = array( 'response' => false, 'reason' => 'RECAPTCHA_NO_RESPONSE' ); } elseif ( empty( $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"] ) ) { $result = array( 'response' => false, 'reason' => 'RECAPTCHA_EMPTY_RESPONSE' ); } else { $response = gglcptch_get_response( $gglcptch_options['private_key'], $gglcptch_remote_addr ); if ( empty( $response ) ) { $result = array( 'response' => false, 'reason' => $debug ? __( 'Response is empty', 'google-captcha' ) : 'VERIFICATION_FAILED' ); } elseif ( isset( $response['success'] ) && !! $response['success'] ) { if ( 'v3' == $gglcptch_options['recaptcha_version'] && $response['score'] < $gglcptch_options['score_v3'] ) { $result = array( 'response' => false, 'reason' => 'RECAPTCHA_SMALL_SCORE' ); } else { $result = array( 'response' => true, 'reason' => '' ); } } else { if ( ! $debug && ( in_array( 'missing-input-secret', $response['error-codes'] ) || in_array( 'invalid-input-secret', $response['error-codes'] ) ) ) { $result = array( 'response' => false, 'reason' => 'ERROR_WRONG_SECRET' ); } else { $result = array( 'response' => false, 'reason' => $debug ? $response['error-codes'] : 'VERIFICATION_FAILED' ); } } } } if ( ! $result['response'] ) { $result['errors'] = new WP_Error; if ( ! $debug && ! in_array( $result['reason'], array( 'ERROR_WRONG_SECRET', 'ERROR_NO_KEYS' ) ) ) { $result['errors']->add( 'gglcptch_error', gglcptch_get_message( $result['reason'] ) ); } } $result = apply_filters( 'gglcptch_limit_attempts_check', $result, $form ); return $result; } } /** * Check google captcha for custom form * @since 1.32 * @param bool $allow (Optional) initial value wheter the previous verification is passed * @param string $return_format (Optional) The type of variable to be returned when recaptcha is failed. * @param string $form_slug (Optional) The slug of the form to check. * Default is empty string. When specified, the reCAPTCHA check may be skipped if the form is disabled on the plugin settings page. * @return mixed $allow True if ReCapthca is successfully completed, error message string, WP_Error object or false otherwise, depending on the $return_format value. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_check_custom' ) ) { function gglcptch_check_custom( $allow = true, $return_format = 'bool', $form_slug = '' ) { if ( true !== $allow ) { return $allow; } if ( gglcptch_is_recaptcha_required( $form_slug ) ) { $gglcptch_check = gglcptch_check(); if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] && 'ERROR_NO_KEYS' == $gglcptch_check['reason'] ) { return $allow; } $la_result = ( ! empty( $form_slug ) ) ? gglcptch_handle_by_limit_attempts( $gglcptch_check['response'], $form_slug ) : true; if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] || true !== $la_result ) { if ( ! in_array( $return_format, array( 'bool', 'string', 'wp_error' ) ) ) { $return_format = 'bool'; } switch ( $return_format ) { case 'string': $allow = ''; if ( true !== $la_result ) { if ( is_wp_error( $la_result ) ) { $allow .= $la_result->get_error_message(); } elseif ( is_string( $la_result ) ) { $allow .= $la_result; } } if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] ) { $allow .= ( ( '' != $allow ) ? " " : '' ) . gglcptch_get_message(); } break; case 'wp_error': $allow = new WP_Error(); if ( true !== $la_result ) { if ( is_wp_error( $la_result ) ) { $allow = $la_result; } elseif ( is_string( $la_result ) ) { $allow->add( 'gglcptch_la_error', $la_result ); } } if ( ! $gglcptch_check['response'] ) { $error_message = sprintf( '%s: %s', __( 'Error', 'google-captcha' ), gglcptch_get_message() ); $allow->add( 'gglcptch_error', $error_message ); } break; case 'bool': default: $allow = false; break; } } } return $allow; } } /* Limit Attempts plugin check */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_limit_attempts_check' ) ) { function gglcptch_limit_attempts_check( $gglcptch_check, $form ){ $result = gglcptch_handle_by_limit_attempts( $gglcptch_check['response'], $form ); if ( true !== $result ) { $gglcptch_check['response'] = false; if ( 'login_form' != $form ) { if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $gglcptch_check['errors']->add( 'lmttmpts_error', $result->get_error_message() ); } elseif ( is_string( $result ) ) { $gglcptch_check['errors']->add( 'lmttmpts_error', $result ); } } return $gglcptch_check; } else { if ( 'contact_form' == $form ) { $gglcptch_check['response'] = true; } return $gglcptch_check; } } } /** * * @since 1.32 */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_handle_by_limit_attempts' ) ) { function gglcptch_handle_by_limit_attempts( $check_result, $form_slug = 'login_form' ) { global $gglcptch_forms; if ( ! has_filter( 'lmtttmpts_check_ip' ) ) { return $check_result; } if ( empty( $gglcptch_forms ) ) { $gglcptch_forms = gglcptch_get_forms(); } $la_form_slug = "{$form_slug}_captcha_check"; /* if reCAPTCHA answer is right */ if ( true == $check_result ) { /* check if user IP is blocked in the Limit Attempts plugin lists */ $check_result = apply_filters( 'lmtttmpts_check_ip', $check_result ); do_action( 'lmtttmpts_form_success', $la_form_slug, gglcptch_get_ip(), array( 'form_name' => $gglcptch_forms[ $form_slug ]['form_name'] ) ); } else { /* if reCAPTCHA answer is wrong */ $form_data = array( 'form_name' => $gglcptch_forms[ $form_slug ]['form_name'] ); if ( 'login_form_captcha_check' != $form_slug ) { $la_error = apply_filters( 'lmtttmpts_form_fail', $la_form_slug, '', $form_data ); } if ( ! empty( $la_error ) && $la_form_slug != $la_error ) { if ( is_wp_error( $check_result ) ) { $check_result->add( "gglcptch_error_lmttmpts", $la_error ); } elseif ( is_string( $check_result ) ) { $check_result .= '
' . $la_error; } else { $check_result = $la_error; } } } return $check_result; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_get_ip' ) ) { function gglcptch_get_ip() { $ip = ''; if ( isset( $_SERVER ) ) { $server_vars = array( 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP', 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'REMOTE_ADDR' ); foreach ( $server_vars as $var ) { if ( ! empty( $_SERVER[ $var ] ) ) { if ( filter_var( $_SERVER[ $var ], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $ip = $_SERVER[ $var ]; if ( 0 < sprintf( '%u', ip2long( $ip ) ) ) { break; } } else { /* if proxy */ $ip_array = explode( ',', $_SERVER[ $var ] ); if ( is_array( $ip_array ) && ! empty( $ip_array ) && filter_var( $ip_array[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $ip = $ip_array[0]; if ( 0 < sprintf( '%u', ip2long( $ip ) ) ) { break; } } } } } } return $ip; } } /** * Retrieve the message that corresponds to its message code * @since 1.29 * @param string $message_code used to switch the corresponding message * @param boolean $echo 'false' is default. If 'false' - returns a message, if 'true' - first, echo a message and then return it. * @return string $message Returned message. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_get_message' ) ) { function gglcptch_get_message( $message_code = 'incorrect', $echo = false ) { $message = ''; $messages = array( /* custom error */ 'RECAPTCHA_EMPTY_RESPONSE' => __( 'The reCaptcha verification failed. Please try again.', 'google-captcha' ), /* v2 error */ 'missing-input-secret' => __( 'Secret Key is missing.', 'google-captcha' ), 'invalid-input-secret' => sprintf( '%s %s %s.', __( 'Secret Key is invalid.', 'google-captcha' ), __( 'Check your domain configurations', 'google-captcha' ), __( 'and enter it again', 'google-captcha' ) ), 'incorrect-captcha-sol' => __( 'User response is invalid', 'google-captcha' ), 'incorrect' => __( 'You have entered an incorrect reCAPTCHA value.', 'google-captcha' ), 'multiple_blocks' => __( 'More than one reCAPTCHA has been found in the current form. Please remove all unnecessary reCAPTCHA fields to make it work properly.', 'google-captcha' ), /* v3 error */ 'RECAPTCHA_SMALL_SCORE' => __( 'reCaptcha v3 test failed', 'google-captcha' ) ); if ( isset( $messages[ $message_code ] ) ) { $message = $messages[ $message_code ]; } else { $message = $messages['incorrect']; } if ( $echo ) { echo $message; } return $message; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_is_woocommerce_page' ) ) { function gglcptch_is_woocommerce_page() { $traces = debug_backtrace(); foreach( $traces as $trace ) { if ( isset( $trace['file'] ) && false !== strpos( $trace['file'], 'woocommerce' ) ) { return true; } } return false; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_test_keys' ) ) { function gglcptch_test_keys() { global $gglcptch_options; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] , $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) { header( 'Content-Type: text/html' ); register_gglcptch_settings(); ?>

' . __( 'Settings', 'google-captcha' ) . ''; array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); } } return $links; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_links' ) ) { function gglcptch_links( $links, $file ) { $base = plugin_basename( __FILE__ ); if ( $file == $base ) { if ( ! is_network_admin() ) { $links[] = '' . __( 'Settings', 'google-captcha' ) . ''; } $links[] = '' . __( 'FAQ', 'google-captcha' ) . ''; $links[] = '' . __( 'Support', 'google-captcha' ) . ''; } return $links; } } if ( ! function_exists ( 'gglcptch_plugin_banner' ) ) { function gglcptch_plugin_banner() { global $hook_suffix, $gglcptch_plugin_info, $gglcptch_options; if ( 'plugins.php' == $hook_suffix ) { if ( empty( $gglcptch_options ) ) { register_gglcptch_settings(); } bws_plugin_banner_to_settings( $gglcptch_plugin_info, 'gglcptch_options', 'google-captcha', 'admin.php?page=google-captcha.php' ); } if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && 'google-captcha.php' == $_GET['page'] ) { bws_plugin_suggest_feature_banner( $gglcptch_plugin_info, 'gglcptch_options', 'google-captcha' ); } } } /* add help tab */ if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_add_tabs' ) ) { function gglcptch_add_tabs() { $screen = get_current_screen(); $args = array( 'id' => 'gglcptch', 'section' => '200538719' ); bws_help_tab( $screen, $args ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'gglcptch_delete_options' ) ) { function gglcptch_delete_options() { if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } $all_plugins = get_plugins(); if ( ! array_key_exists( 'google-captcha-pro/google-captcha-pro.php', $all_plugins ) ) { global $wpdb; if ( function_exists( 'is_multisite' ) && is_multisite() ) { $old_blog = $wpdb->blogid; /* Get all blog ids */ $blogids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT `blog_id` FROM $wpdb->blogs" ); foreach ( $blogids as $blog_id ) { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$wpdb->prefix}gglcptch_whitelist`;" ); delete_option( 'gglcptch_options' ); } switch_to_blog( $old_blog ); delete_site_option( 'gglcptch_options' ); } else { $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$wpdb->prefix}gglcptch_whitelist`;" ); delete_option( 'gglcptch_options' ); } } require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/bws_menu/bws_include.php' ); bws_include_init( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); bws_delete_plugin( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); } } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'gglcptch_plugin_activate' ); add_action( 'admin_menu', 'gglcptch_admin_menu' ); add_action( 'init', 'gglcptch_init' ); add_action( 'admin_init', 'gglcptch_admin_init' ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'gglcptch_plugins_loaded' ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'gglcptch_add_admin_script_styles' ); add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', 'gglcptch_add_async_attribute', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'admin_footer', 'gglcptch_admin_footer' ); add_filter( 'pgntn_callback', 'gglcptch_pagination_callback' ); add_filter( 'lmtttmpts_plugin_forms', 'gglcptch_add_lmtttmpts_forms', 10, 1 ); add_shortcode( 'bws_google_captcha', 'gglcptch_display' ); add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' ); add_filter( 'gglcptch_display_recaptcha', 'gglcptch_display_custom', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'gglcptch_verify_recaptcha', 'gglcptch_check_custom', 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'gglcptch_limit_attempts_check', 'gglcptch_limit_attempts_check', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', 'gglcptch_action_links', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'gglcptch_links', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'admin_notices', 'gglcptch_plugin_banner' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_gglcptch-test-keys', 'gglcptch_test_keys' ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_gglcptch_test_keys_verification', 'gglcptch_test_keys_verification' );