=') ? 'Pass' : 'Fail'; self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['SRV']['MYSQL_VER'], 'MySQL version '.$db_version.' is lower than 5.0.'); $dup_tests['SRV']['ALL'] = !in_array('Fail', $dup_tests['SRV']) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail'; //RESERVED FILES $dup_tests['RES']['INSTALL'] = !(self::hasInstallerFiles()) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail'; self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['RES']['INSTALL'], 'Installer file(s) are exist on the server.'); $dup_tests['Success'] = $dup_tests['PHP']['ALL'] == 'Pass' && $dup_tests['IO']['ALL'] == 'Pass' && $dup_tests['SRV']['ALL'] == 'Pass' && $dup_tests['RES']['INSTALL'] == 'Pass'; $dup_tests['Warning'] = $dup_tests['IO']['WPROOT'] == 'Warn'; return $dup_tests; } /** * Logs requirement fail status informative message * * @param string $testStatus Either it is Pass or Fail * @param string $errorMessage Error message which should be logged * @return void */ private static function logRequirementFail($testStatus, $errorMessage) { if (empty($testStatus)) { throw new Exception('Exception: Empty $testStatus [File: '.__FILE__.', Ln: '.__LINE__); } if (empty($errorMessage)) { throw new Exception('Exception: Empty $errorMessage [File: '.__FILE__.', Ln: '.__LINE__); } $validTestStatuses = array('Pass', 'Fail', 'Warn'); if (!in_array($testStatus, $validTestStatuses)) { throw new Exception('Exception: Invalid $testStatus value: '.$testStatus.' [File: '.__FILE__.', Ln: '.__LINE__); } if ('Fail' == $testStatus) { DUP_LOG::trace($errorMessage); } } /** * Gets the system checks which are not required * * @return array An array of system checks */ public static function getChecks() { $checks = array(); //PHP/SYSTEM SETTINGS //Web Server $php_test0 = false; foreach ($GLOBALS['DUPLICATOR_SERVER_LIST'] as $value) { if (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], $value)) { $php_test0 = true; break; } } self::logCheckFalse($php_test0, 'Any out of server software ('.implode(', ', $GLOBALS['DUPLICATOR_SERVER_LIST']).') doesn\'t exist.'); $php_test1 = ini_get("open_basedir"); $php_test1 = empty($php_test1) ? true : false; self::logCheckFalse($php_test1, 'open_basedir is enabled.'); $max_execution_time = ini_get("max_execution_time"); $php_test2 = ($max_execution_time > DUPLICATOR_SCAN_TIMEOUT) || (strcmp($max_execution_time, 'Off') == 0 || $max_execution_time == 0) ? true : false; if (strcmp($max_execution_time, 'Off') == 0) { $max_execution_time_error_message = '$max_execution_time should not be'.$max_execution_time; } else { $max_execution_time_error_message = '$max_execution_time ('.$max_execution_time.') should not be lower than the DUPLICATOR_SCAN_TIMEOUT'.DUPLICATOR_SCAN_TIMEOUT; } self::logCheckFalse($php_test2, $max_execution_time_error_message); $php_test3 = function_exists('mysqli_connect'); self::logCheckFalse($php_test3, 'mysqli_connect function doesn\'t exist.'); $php_test4 = DUP_Util::$on_php_53_plus ? true : false; self::logCheckFalse($php_test4, 'PHP Version is lower than 5.3.'); $checks['SRV']['PHP']['websrv'] = $php_test0; $checks['SRV']['PHP']['openbase'] = $php_test1; $checks['SRV']['PHP']['maxtime'] = $php_test2; $checks['SRV']['PHP']['mysqli'] = $php_test3; $checks['SRV']['PHP']['version'] = $php_test4; //MANAGED HOST $checks['SRV']['SYS']['managedHost'] = !DUP_Custom_Host_Manager::getInstance()->isManaged(); $checks['SRV']['SYS']['ALL'] = ($php_test0 && $php_test1 && $php_test2 && $php_test3 && $php_test4 && $checks['SRV']['SYS']['managedHost']) ? 'Good' : 'Warn'; //WORDPRESS SETTINGS global $wp_version; $wp_test1 = version_compare($wp_version, DUPLICATOR_SCAN_MIN_WP) >= 0 ? true : false; self::logCheckFalse($wp_test1, 'WP version ('.$wp_version.') is lower than the DUPLICATOR_SCAN_MIN_WP ('.DUPLICATOR_SCAN_MIN_WP.').'); //Core Files $files = array(); $proper_wp_config_file_path = duplicator_get_abs_path().'/wp-config.php'; $files['wp-config.php'] = file_exists($proper_wp_config_file_path); self::logCheckFalse($files['wp-config.php'], 'The wp-config.php file doesn\'t exist on the '.$proper_wp_config_file_path); /** searching wp-config in working word press is not worthy * if this script is executing that means wp-config.php exists :) * we need to know the core folders and files added by the user at this point * retaining old logic as else for the case if its used some where else */ //Core dir and files logic if (isset($_POST['file_notice']) && isset($_POST['dir_notice'])) { //means if there are core directories excluded or core files excluded return false if ((bool) $_POST['file_notice'] || (bool) $_POST['dir_notice']) $wp_test2 = false; else $wp_test2 = true; } else { $wp_test2 = $files['wp-config.php']; } //Cache /* $Package = DUP_Package::getActive(); $cache_path = DUP_Util::safePath(WP_CONTENT_DIR) . '/cache'; $dirEmpty = DUP_Util::isDirectoryEmpty($cache_path); $dirSize = DUP_Util::getDirectorySize($cache_path); $cach_filtered = in_array($cache_path, explode(';', $Package->Archive->FilterDirs)); $wp_test3 = ($cach_filtered || $dirEmpty || $dirSize < DUPLICATOR_SCAN_CACHESIZE ) ? true : false; */ $wp_test3 = is_multisite(); self::logCheckFalse($wp_test3, 'WP is multi-site setup.'); $checks['SRV']['WP']['version'] = $wp_test1; $checks['SRV']['WP']['core'] = $wp_test2; $checks['SRV']['WP']['ismu'] = $wp_test3; $checks['SRV']['WP']['ALL'] = $wp_test1 && $wp_test2 && !$wp_test3 ? 'Good' : 'Warn'; return $checks; } /** * Logs checks false informative message * * @param boolean $check Either it is true or false * @param string $errorMessage Error message which should be logged when check is false * @return void */ private static function logCheckFalse($check, $errorMessage) { if (empty($errorMessage)) { throw new Exception('Exception: Empty $errorMessage variable [File: '.__FILE__.', Ln: '.__LINE__); } if (filter_var($check, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) === false) { DUP_LOG::trace($errorMessage); } } /** * Check to see if duplicator installer files are present * * @return bool True if any reserved files are found */ public static function hasInstallerFiles() { $files = self::getInstallerFiles(); foreach ($files as $file => $path) { if (false !== strpos($path, '*')) { $glob_files = glob($path); if (!empty($glob_files)) { return true; } } elseif (file_exists($path)) return true; } return false; } /** * Gets a list of all the installer files by name and full path * * @remarks * FILES: installer.php, installer-backup.php, dup-installer-bootlog__[HASH].txt * DIRS: dup-installer * DEV FILES: wp-config.orig * Last set is for lazy developer cleanup files that a developer may have * accidently left around lets be proactive for the user just in case. * * @return array [file_name, file_path] */ public static function getInstallerFiles() { // alphanumeric 7 time, then -(dash), then 8 digits $abs_path = duplicator_get_abs_path(); $four_digit_glob_pattern = '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'; $retArr = array( basename(DUPLICATOR_INSTALLER_DIRECTORY).' '.esc_html__('(directory)', 'duplicator') => DUPLICATOR_INSTALLER_DIRECTORY, DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_PHP => $abs_path.'/'.DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_PHP, '[HASH]'.'_'.DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_PHP => $abs_path.'/*_*'.$four_digit_glob_pattern.'_'.DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_PHP, DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_BAK => $abs_path.'/'.DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_BAK, '[HASH]'.'_'.DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_BAK => $abs_path.'/*_*'.$four_digit_glob_pattern.'_'.DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_BAK, '[HASH]_archive.zip|daf' => $abs_path.'/*_*'.$four_digit_glob_pattern.'_archive.[zd][ia][pf]', 'dup-installer-bootlog__[HASH].txt' => $abs_path.'/dup-installer-bootlog__'.DUPLICATOR_INSTALLER_HASH_PATTERN.'.txt', ); if (DUPLICATOR_INSTALL_SITE_OVERWRITE_ON) { $retArr['dup-wp-config-arc__[HASH].txt'] = $abs_path.'/dup-wp-config-arc__'.DUPLICATOR_INSTALLER_HASH_PATTERN.'.txt'; } return $retArr; } /** * Get the IP of a client machine * * @return string IP of the client machine */ public static function getClientIP() { if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) { return $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } else if (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) { return $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } else if (array_key_exists('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER)) { return $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } return ''; } /** * Get PHP memory usage * * @return string Returns human readable memory usage. */ public static function getPHPMemory($peak = false) { if ($peak) { $result = 'Unable to read PHP peak memory usage'; if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { $result = DUP_Util::byteSize(memory_get_peak_usage(true)); } } else { $result = 'Unable to read PHP memory usage'; if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $result = DUP_Util::byteSize(memory_get_usage(true)); } } return $result; } }