wp_config_path = $wp_config_path; } /** * Checks if a config exists in the wp-config.php file. * * @throws Exception If the wp-config.php file is empty. * @throws Exception If the requested config type is invalid. * * @param string $type Config type (constant or variable). * @param string $name Config name. * * @return bool */ public function exists( $type, $name ) { $wp_config_src = file_get_contents( $this->wp_config_path ); if ( ! trim( $wp_config_src ) ) { throw new Exception( 'wp-config.php file is empty.' ); } // SnapCreek custom change // Normalize the newline to prevent an issue coming from OSX $wp_config_src = str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $wp_config_src); $this->wp_config_src = $wp_config_src; $this->wp_configs = $this->parse_wp_config( $this->wp_config_src ); if ( ! isset( $this->wp_configs[ $type ] ) ) { throw new Exception( "Config type '{$type}' does not exist." ); } return isset( $this->wp_configs[ $type ][ $name ] ); } /** * Get the value of a config in the wp-config.php file. * * @throws Exception If the wp-config.php file is empty. * @throws Exception If the requested config type is invalid. * * @param string $type Config type (constant or variable). * @param string $name Config name. * * @return array */ public function get_value( $type, $name, $get_real_value = true) { $wp_config_src = file_get_contents( $this->wp_config_path ); if ( ! trim( $wp_config_src ) ) { throw new Exception( 'wp-config.php file is empty.' ); } // SnapCreek custom change // Normalize the newline to prevent an issue coming from OSX $wp_config_src = str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $wp_config_src); $this->wp_config_src = $wp_config_src; $this->wp_configs = $this->parse_wp_config( $this->wp_config_src ); if ( ! isset( $this->wp_configs[ $type ] ) ) { throw new Exception( "Config type '{$type}' does not exist." ); } // Duplicator Extra $val = $this->wp_configs[ $type ][ $name ]['value']; if ($get_real_value) { return self::getRealValFromVal($val); } else { return $val; } return $val; } public static function getRealValFromVal($val) { if ($val[0] === '\'') { // string with ' $result = substr($val, 1, strlen($val) - 2); return str_replace(array('\\\'', '\\\\'), array('\'', '\\'), $result); } else if ($val[0] === '"') { // string with " return json_decode(str_replace('\\$', '$', $val)); } else if (strcasecmp($val, 'true') === 0) { return true; } else if (strcasecmp($val, 'false') === 0) { return false; } else if (strcasecmp($val, 'null') === 0) { return null; } else if (preg_match('/^[-+]?[0-9]+$/', $val)) { return (int) $val; } else if (preg_match('/^[-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', $val)) { return (float) $val; } else { return $val; } } /** * Adds a config to the wp-config.php file. * * @throws Exception If the config value provided is not a string. * @throws Exception If the config placement anchor could not be located. * * @param string $type Config type (constant or variable). * @param string $name Config name. * @param string $value Config value. * @param array $options (optional) Array of special behavior options. * * @return bool */ public function add( $type, $name, $value, array $options = array() ) { if ( ! is_string( $value ) ) { throw new Exception( 'Config value must be a string.' ); } if ( $this->exists( $type, $name ) ) { return false; } $defaults = array( 'raw' => false, // Display value in raw format without quotes. 'anchor' => "/* That's all, stop editing!", // Config placement anchor string. 'separator' => PHP_EOL, // Separator between config definition and anchor string. 'placement' => 'before', // Config placement direction (insert before or after). ); list( $raw, $anchor, $separator, $placement ) = array_values( array_merge( $defaults, $options ) ); $raw = (bool) $raw; $anchor = (string) $anchor; $separator = (string) $separator; $placement = (string) $placement; // Custom code by the SnapCreek Team if ( false === strpos( $this->wp_config_src, $anchor ) ) { $other_anchor_points = array( '/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory', // ABSPATH defined check with single quote "if ( !defined('ABSPATH') )", "if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) )", "if (!defined('ABSPATH') )", "if(!defined('ABSPATH') )", "if(!defined('ABSPATH'))", "if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ))", "if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH') )", "if ( ! defined('ABSPATH' ) )", "if (! defined( 'ABSPATH' ))", "if (! defined( 'ABSPATH') )", "if (! defined('ABSPATH' ) )", "if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ))", "if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH') )", "if ( !defined('ABSPATH' ) )", "if( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ))", "if( !defined( 'ABSPATH') )", "if( !defined('ABSPATH' ) )", // ABSPATH defined check with double quote 'if ( !defined("ABSPATH") )', 'if ( ! defined( "ABSPATH" ) )', 'if (!defined("ABSPATH") )', 'if(!defined("ABSPATH") )', 'if(!defined("ABSPATH"))', 'if ( ! defined( "ABSPATH" ))', 'if ( ! defined( "ABSPATH") )', 'if ( ! defined("ABSPATH" ) )', 'if (! defined( "ABSPATH" ))', 'if (! defined( "ABSPATH") )', 'if (! defined("ABSPATH" ) )', 'if ( !defined( "ABSPATH" ))', 'if ( !defined( "ABSPATH") )', 'if ( !defined("ABSPATH" ) )', 'if( !defined( "ABSPATH" ))', 'if( !defined( "ABSPATH") )', 'if( !defined("ABSPATH" ) )', '/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files', 'require_once(ABSPATH', 'require_once ABSPATH', 'require_once( ABSPATH', 'require_once', "define( 'DB_NAME'", 'define( "DB_NAME"', "define('DB_NAME'", 'define("DB_NAME"', 'require', 'include_once', ); foreach ($other_anchor_points as $anchor_point) { $anchor_point = (string) $anchor_point; if ( false !== strpos( $this->wp_config_src, $anchor_point ) ) { $anchor = $anchor_point; break; } } } if ( false === strpos( $this->wp_config_src, $anchor ) ) { throw new Exception( 'Unable to locate placement anchor.' ); } $new_src = $this->normalize( $type, $name, $this->format_value( $value, $raw ) ); $new_src = ( 'after' === $placement ) ? $anchor . $separator . $new_src : $new_src . $separator . $anchor; $contents = str_replace( $anchor, $new_src, $this->wp_config_src ); return $this->save( $contents ); } /** * Updates an existing config in the wp-config.php file. * * @throws Exception If the config value provided is not a string. * * @param string $type Config type (constant or variable). * @param string $name Config name. * @param string $value Config value. * @param array $options (optional) Array of special behavior options. * * @return bool */ public function update( $type, $name, $value, array $options = array() ) { if ( ! is_string( $value ) ) { throw new Exception( 'Config value must be a string.' ); } $defaults = array( 'add' => true, // Add the config if missing. 'raw' => false, // Display value in raw format without quotes. 'normalize' => false, // Normalize config output using WP Coding Standards. ); list( $add, $raw, $normalize ) = array_values( array_merge( $defaults, $options ) ); $add = (bool) $add; $raw = (bool) $raw; $normalize = (bool) $normalize; if ( ! $this->exists( $type, $name ) ) { return ( $add ) ? $this->add( $type, $name, $value, $options ) : false; } $old_src = $this->wp_configs[ $type ][ $name ]['src']; $old_value = $this->wp_configs[ $type ][ $name ]['value']; $new_value = $this->format_value( $value, $raw ); if ( $normalize ) { $new_src = $this->normalize( $type, $name, $new_value ); } else { $new_parts = $this->wp_configs[ $type ][ $name ]['parts']; $new_parts[1] = str_replace( $old_value, $new_value, $new_parts[1] ); // Only edit the value part. $new_src = implode( '', $new_parts ); } $contents = preg_replace( sprintf( '/(?<=^|;|<\?php\s|<\?\s)(\s*?)%s/m', preg_quote( trim( $old_src ), '/' ) ), '$1' . self::REPLACE_TEMP_STIRNG , $this->wp_config_src ); $contents = str_replace(self::REPLACE_TEMP_STIRNG, trim($new_src), $contents); return $this->save( $contents ); } /** * Removes a config from the wp-config.php file. * * @param string $type Config type (constant or variable). * @param string $name Config name. * * @return bool */ public function remove( $type, $name ) { if ( ! $this->exists( $type, $name ) ) { return false; } $pattern = sprintf( '/(?<=^|;|<\?php\s|<\?\s)%s\s*(\S|$)/m', preg_quote( $this->wp_configs[ $type ][ $name ]['src'], '/' ) ); $contents = preg_replace( $pattern, '$1', $this->wp_config_src ); return $this->save( $contents ); } /** * Applies formatting to a config value. * * @throws Exception When a raw value is requested for an empty string. * * @param string $value Config value. * @param bool $raw Display value in raw format without quotes. * * @return mixed */ protected function format_value( $value, $raw ) { if ( $raw && '' === trim( $value ) ) { throw new Exception( 'Raw value for empty string not supported.' ); } return ( $raw ) ? $value : var_export( $value, true ); } /** * Normalizes the source output for a name/value pair. * * @throws Exception If the requested config type does not support normalization. * * @param string $type Config type (constant or variable). * @param string $name Config name. * @param mixed $value Config value. * * @return string */ protected function normalize( $type, $name, $value ) { if ( 'constant' === $type ) { $placeholder = "define( '%s', %s );"; } elseif ( 'variable' === $type ) { $placeholder = '$%s = %s;'; } else { throw new Exception( "Unable to normalize config type '{$type}'." ); } return sprintf( $placeholder, $name, $value ); } /** * Parses the source of a wp-config.php file. * * @param string $src Config file source. * * @return array */ protected function parse_wp_config( $src ) { $configs = array(); $configs['constant'] = array(); $configs['variable'] = array(); // Strip comments. foreach ( token_get_all( $src ) as $token ) { if ( in_array( $token[0], array( T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT ), true ) ) { $src = str_replace( $token[1], '', $src ); } } preg_match_all( '/(?<=^|;|<\?php\s|<\?\s)(\h*define\s*\(\s*[\'"](\w*?)[\'"]\s*)(,\s*(\'\'|""|\'.*?[^\\\\]\'|".*?[^\\\\]"|.*?)\s*)((?:,\s*(?:true|false)\s*)?\)\s*;)/ims', $src, $constants ); preg_match_all( '/(?<=^|;|<\?php\s|<\?\s)(\h*\$(\w+)\s*=)(\s*(\'\'|""|\'.*?[^\\\\]\'|".*?[^\\\\]"|.*?)\s*;)/ims', $src, $variables ); if ( ! empty( $constants[0] ) && ! empty( $constants[1] ) && ! empty( $constants[2] ) && ! empty( $constants[3] ) && ! empty( $constants[4] ) && ! empty( $constants[5] ) ) { foreach ( $constants[2] as $index => $name ) { $configs['constant'][ $name ] = array( 'src' => $constants[0][ $index ], 'value' => $constants[4][ $index ], 'parts' => array( $constants[1][ $index ], $constants[3][ $index ], $constants[5][ $index ], ), ); } } if ( ! empty( $variables[0] ) && ! empty( $variables[1] ) && ! empty( $variables[2] ) && ! empty( $variables[3] ) && ! empty( $variables[4] ) ) { // Remove duplicate(s), last definition wins. $variables[2] = array_reverse( array_unique( array_reverse( $variables[2], true ) ), true ); foreach ( $variables[2] as $index => $name ) { $configs['variable'][ $name ] = array( 'src' => $variables[0][ $index ], 'value' => $variables[4][ $index ], 'parts' => array( $variables[1][ $index ], $variables[3][ $index ], ), ); } } return $configs; } /** * Saves new contents to the wp-config.php file. * * @throws Exception If the config file content provided is empty. * @throws Exception If there is a failure when saving the wp-config.php file. * * @param string $contents New config contents. * * @return bool */ protected function save( $contents ) { if ( ! trim( $contents ) ) { throw new Exception( 'Cannot save the wp-config.php file with empty contents.' ); } if ( $contents === $this->wp_config_src ) { return false; } $result = file_put_contents( $this->wp_config_path, $contents, LOCK_EX ); if ( false === $result ) { throw new Exception( 'Failed to update the wp-config.php file.' ); } return true; } } endif;