"; $expectedEnd = ""; $startingElement = fread($archiveHandle, strlen($expectedStart)); if($startingElement !== $expectedStart) { throw new Exception("Invalid starting element. Was expecting {$expectedStart} but got {$startingElement}"); } return stream_get_line($archiveHandle, self::MaxStandardHeaderFieldLength, $expectedEnd); } } class DupArchiveMiniItemHeaderType { const None = 0; const File = 1; const Directory = 2; const Glob = 3; } class DupArchiveMiniFileHeader { public $fileSize; public $mtime; public $permissions; public $hash; public $relativePathLength; public $relativePath; static function readFromArchive($archiveHandle) { $instance = new DupArchiveMiniFileHeader(); $instance->fileSize = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'FS'); $instance->mtime = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'MT'); $instance->permissions = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'P'); $instance->hash = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'HA'); $instance->relativePathLength = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'RPL'); // Skip fread($archiveHandle, 4); $instance->relativePath = fread($archiveHandle, $instance->relativePathLength); // Skip fread($archiveHandle, 5); // Skip the #F! //fread($archiveHandle, 3); // Skip the fread($archiveHandle, 4); return $instance; } } class DupArchiveMiniDirectoryHeader { public $mtime; public $permissions; public $relativePathLength; public $relativePath; // const MaxHeaderSize = 8192; // const MaxStandardHeaderFieldLength = 128; static function readFromArchive($archiveHandle) { $instance = new DupArchiveMiniDirectoryHeader(); $instance->mtime = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'MT'); $instance->permissions = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'P'); $instance->relativePathLength = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'RPL'); // Skip the fread($archiveHandle, 4); $instance->relativePath = fread($archiveHandle, $instance->relativePathLength); // Skip the fread($archiveHandle, 5); // Skip the fread($archiveHandle, 4); return $instance; } } class DupArchiveMiniGlobHeader //extends HeaderBase { public $originalSize; public $storedSize; public $hash; // const MaxHeaderSize = 255; public static function readFromArchive($archiveHandle, $skipGlob) { $instance = new DupArchiveMiniGlobHeader(); // DupArchiveUtil::log('Reading glob starting at ' . ftell($archiveHandle)); $startElement = fread($archiveHandle, 3); //if ($marker != '?G#') { if ($startElement != '') { throw new Exception("Invalid glob header marker found {$startElement}. location:" . ftell($archiveHandle)); } $instance->originalSize = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'OS'); $instance->storedSize = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'SS'); $instance->hash = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'HA'); // Skip the fread($archiveHandle, 4); if ($skipGlob) { // DupLiteSnapLibIOU::fseek($archiveHandle, $instance->storedSize, SEEK_CUR); if(fseek($archiveHandle, $instance->storedSize, SEEK_CUR) === -1) { throw new Exception("Can't fseek when skipping glob at location:".ftell($archiveHandle)); } } return $instance; } } class DupArchiveMiniHeader { public $version; public $isCompressed; // const MaxHeaderSize = 50; private function __construct() { // Prevent instantiation if (!class_exists('DUPX_Bootstrap')) { throw new Exception('Class DUPX_Bootstrap not found'); } } public static function readFromArchive($archiveHandle) { $instance = new DupArchiveMiniHeader(); $startElement = fgets($archiveHandle, 4); if ($startElement != '') { throw new Exception("Invalid archive header marker found {$startElement}"); } $instance->version = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'V'); $instance->isCompressed = DupArchiveHeaderMiniU::readStandardHeaderField($archiveHandle, 'C') == 'true' ? true : false; // Skip the fgets($archiveHandle, 5); return $instance; } } class DupArchiveMiniWriteInfo { public $archiveHandle = null; public $currentFileHeader = null; public $destDirectory = null; public $directoryWriteCount = 0; public $fileWriteCount = 0; public $isCompressed = false; public $enableWrite = false; public function getCurrentDestFilePath() { if($this->destDirectory != null) { return "{$this->destDirectory}/{$this->currentFileHeader->relativePath}"; } else { return null; } } } class DupArchiveMiniExpander { public static $loggingFunction = null; public static function init($loggingFunction) { self::$loggingFunction = $loggingFunction; } public static function log($s, $flush=false) { if(self::$loggingFunction != null) { call_user_func(self::$loggingFunction, "MINI EXPAND:$s", $flush); } } public static function expandDirectory($archivePath, $relativePath, $destPath) { self::expandItems($archivePath, $relativePath, $destPath); } private static function expandItems($archivePath, $inclusionFilter, $destDirectory, $ignoreErrors = false) { $archiveHandle = fopen($archivePath, 'rb'); if ($archiveHandle === false) { throw new Exception("Can’t open archive at $archivePath!"); } $archiveHeader = DupArchiveMiniHeader::readFromArchive($archiveHandle); $writeInfo = new DupArchiveMiniWriteInfo(); $writeInfo->destDirectory = $destDirectory; $writeInfo->isCompressed = $archiveHeader->isCompressed; $moreToRead = true; while ($moreToRead) { if ($writeInfo->currentFileHeader != null) { try { if (self::passesInclusionFilter($inclusionFilter, $writeInfo->currentFileHeader->relativePath)) { self::writeToFile($archiveHandle, $writeInfo); $writeInfo->fileWriteCount++; } else if($writeInfo->currentFileHeader->fileSize > 0) { // self::log("skipping {$writeInfo->currentFileHeader->relativePath} since it doesn’t match the filter"); // Skip the contents since the it isn't a match $dataSize = 0; do { $globHeader = DupArchiveMiniGlobHeader::readFromArchive($archiveHandle, true); $dataSize += $globHeader->originalSize; $moreGlobs = ($dataSize < $writeInfo->currentFileHeader->fileSize); } while ($moreGlobs); } $writeInfo->currentFileHeader = null; // Expand state taken care of within the write to file to ensure consistency } catch (Exception $ex) { if (!$ignoreErrors) { throw $ex; } } } else { $headerType = self::getNextHeaderType($archiveHandle); switch ($headerType) { case DupArchiveMiniItemHeaderType::File: //$writeInfo->currentFileHeader = DupArchiveMiniFileHeader::readFromArchive($archiveHandle, $inclusionFilter); $writeInfo->currentFileHeader = DupArchiveMiniFileHeader::readFromArchive($archiveHandle); break; case DupArchiveMiniItemHeaderType::Directory: $directoryHeader = DupArchiveMiniDirectoryHeader::readFromArchive($archiveHandle); // self::log("considering $inclusionFilter and {$directoryHeader->relativePath}"); if (self::passesInclusionFilter($inclusionFilter, $directoryHeader->relativePath)) { // self::log("passed"); $directory = "{$writeInfo->destDirectory}/{$directoryHeader->relativePath}"; // $mode = $directoryHeader->permissions; // rodo handle this more elegantly @mkdir($directory, $directoryHeader->permissions, true); DUPX_Bootstrap::mkdir($directory, 'u+rwx', true); $writeInfo->directoryWriteCount++; } else { // self::log("didnt pass"); } break; case DupArchiveMiniItemHeaderType::None: $moreToRead = false; } } } fclose($archiveHandle); } private static function getNextHeaderType($archiveHandle) { $retVal = DupArchiveMiniItemHeaderType::None; $marker = fgets($archiveHandle, 4); if (feof($archiveHandle) === false) { switch ($marker) { case '': $retVal = DupArchiveMiniItemHeaderType::Directory; break; case '': $retVal = DupArchiveMiniItemHeaderType::File; break; case '': $retVal = DupArchiveMiniItemHeaderType::Glob; break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid header marker {$marker}. Location:".ftell($archiveHandle)); } } return $retVal; } private static function writeToFile($archiveHandle, $writeInfo) { $destFilePath = $writeInfo->getCurrentDestFilePath(); if($writeInfo->currentFileHeader->fileSize > 0) { /* @var $writeInfo DupArchiveMiniWriteInfo */ $parentDir = dirname($destFilePath); if (!file_exists($parentDir)) { if (!DUPX_Bootstrap::mkdir($parentDir, 'u+rwx', true)) { throw new Exception("Couldn't create {$parentDir}"); } } $destFileHandle = fopen($destFilePath, 'wb+'); if ($destFileHandle === false) { throw new Exception("Couldn't open {$destFilePath} for writing."); } do { self::appendGlobToFile($archiveHandle, $destFileHandle, $writeInfo); $currentFileOffset = ftell($destFileHandle); $moreGlobstoProcess = $currentFileOffset < $writeInfo->currentFileHeader->fileSize; } while ($moreGlobstoProcess); fclose($destFileHandle); DUPX_Bootstrap::chmod($destFilePath, 'u+rw'); self::validateExpandedFile($writeInfo); } else { if(touch($destFilePath) === false) { throw new Exception("Couldn't create $destFilePath"); } DUPX_Bootstrap::chmod($destFilePath, 'u+rw'); } } private static function validateExpandedFile($writeInfo) { /* @var $writeInfo DupArchiveMiniWriteInfo */ if ($writeInfo->currentFileHeader->hash !== '00000000000000000000000000000000') { $hash = hash_file('crc32b', $writeInfo->getCurrentDestFilePath()); if ($hash !== $writeInfo->currentFileHeader->hash) { throw new Exception("MD5 validation fails for {$writeInfo->getCurrentDestFilePath()}"); } } } // Assumption is that archive handle points to a glob header on this call private static function appendGlobToFile($archiveHandle, $destFileHandle, $writeInfo) { /* @var $writeInfo DupArchiveMiniWriteInfo */ $globHeader = DupArchiveMiniGlobHeader::readFromArchive($archiveHandle, false); $globContents = fread($archiveHandle, $globHeader->storedSize); if ($globContents === false) { throw new Exception("Error reading glob from {$writeInfo->getDestFilePath()}"); } if ($writeInfo->isCompressed) { $globContents = gzinflate($globContents); } if (fwrite($destFileHandle, $globContents) === false) { throw new Exception("Error writing data glob to {$destFileHandle}"); } } private static function passesInclusionFilter($filter, $candidate) { return (substr($candidate, 0, strlen($filter)) == $filter); } } ?>