pass = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { //$params = $_REQUEST; $params = array(); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::logObject('REQUEST', $_REQUEST); foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { $params[$key] = json_decode($value, true); } } else { $json = file_get_contents('php://input'); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::logObject('json1', $json); $params = json_decode($json, true); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::logObject('json2', $json); } DupLiteSnapLibLogger::logObject('params', $params); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::logObject('keys', array_keys($params)); $action = $params['action']; if ($action == 'deltree') { DupLiteSnapLibLogger::log('deltree'); $config = DeleteConfig(); $config->workerTime = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::GetArrayValue($params, 'worker_time'); $config->directories = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::getArrayValue($params, 'directories'); $config->throttleDelayInUs = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::getArrayValue($params, 'throttleDelay', false, 0) * 1000000; $config->excludedDirectories = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::getArrayValue($params, 'excluded_directories', false, array()); $config->excludedFiles = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::getArrayValue($params, 'excluded_files', false, array()); $config->fileLock = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::GetArrayValue($params, 'fileLock'); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::logObject('Config', $config); // TODO use appropriate lock type DupLiteSnapLibIOU::flock($this->lock_handle, LOCK_EX); $this->lock_handle = DupLiteSnapLibIOU::fopen(FileOpsConstants::$PROCESS_LOCK_FILEPATH, 'c+'); DupLiteSnapLibIOU::flock($this->lock_handle, LOCK_UN); $retVal->pass = true; $retVal->status = new stdClass; //todo $retVal->status->errors = $moveErrors; // RSR TODO ensure putting right thing in here } else if($action === 'move_files') { $directories = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::getArrayValue($params, 'directories', false, array()); $files = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::getArrayValue($params, 'files', false, array()); $excludedFiles = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::getArrayValue($params, 'excluded_files', false, array()); $destination = DupLiteSnapLibUtil::getArrayValue($params, 'destination'); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::log('before move'); $moveErrors = FileOpsMoveU::move($directories, $files, $excludedFiles, $destination); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::log('after move'); $retVal->pass = true; $retVal->status = new stdClass(); $retVal->status->errors = $moveErrors; // RSR TODO ensure putting right thing in here } else { throw new Exception('Unknown command.'); } session_write_close(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $error_message = "Error Encountered:" . $ex->getMessage() . '
' . $ex->getTraceAsString(); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::log($error_message); $retVal->pass = false; $retVal->error = $error_message; } DupLiteSnapLibLogger::logObject("before json encode retval", $retVal); $jsonRetVal = json_encode($retVal); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::logObject("json encoded retval", $jsonRetVal); echo $jsonRetVal; } } function generateCallTrace() { $e = new Exception(); $trace = explode("\n", $e->getTraceAsString()); // reverse array to make steps line up chronologically $trace = array_reverse($trace); array_shift($trace); // remove {main} array_pop($trace); // remove call to this method $length = count($trace); $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $result[] = ($i + 1) . ')' . substr($trace[$i], strpos($trace[$i], ' ')); // replace '#someNum' with '$i)', set the right ordering } return "\t" . implode("\n\t", $result); } function terminate_missing_variables($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { // echo "
ERROR: $errstr $errfile $errline
"; // if (($errno == E_NOTICE) and ( strstr($errstr, "Undefined variable"))) die("$errstr in $errfile line $errline"); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::log("ERROR $errno, $errstr, {$errfile}:{$errline}"); DupLiteSnapLibLogger::log(generateCallTrace()); // DaTesterLogging::clearLog(); // exit(1); //return false; // Let the PHP error handler handle all the rest } $fileOps = new FileOps(); $fileOps->processRequest();