" /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " data-tooltip="">

{$archive_build_mode}"; ?>     
Archive->FilterDirs) ? count(explode(";", $Package->Archive->FilterDirs)) -1 : 0; $filter_file_count = isset($Package->Archive->FilterFiles) ? count(explode(";", $Package->Archive->FilterFiles)) -1 : 0; ?> Archive->ExportOnlyDB) ? "checked='checked'" :""; ?> />
Archive->FilterOn) ? "checked='checked'" :""; ?> /> " data-tooltip="">

'; _e("This option has automatically been checked because you have opted for a Two-Part Install Process. Please complete the package build and continue with the ", 'duplicator'); printf('%s %s.', '', esc_html__('Quick Start Two-Part Install Instructions', 'duplicator')); echo '

'; } _e("Overview:
This advanced option excludes all files from the archive. Only the database and a copy of the installer.php " . "will be included in the archive.zip file. The option can be used for backing up and moving only the database.", 'duplicator'); echo '

'; _e(" Notice:
", 'duplicator'); _e("Please use caution when installing only the database over an existing site and be sure the correct files correspond with the database. For example, " . "if WordPress 4.6 is on this site and you copy the database to a host that has WordPress 4.8 files then the source code of the files will not be " . "in sync with the database causing possible errors. If you’re immediately moving the source files with the database then you can ignore this notice. " . "Please use this advanced feature with caution!", 'duplicator'); ?>

Database->FilterOn) ? "checked='checked'" :""; ?> /> " data-tooltip="">
[ ]   [ ]
get_results("SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `" . DB_NAME . "` WHERE Table_Type = 'BASE TABLE' ", ARRAY_N); $num_rows = count($tables); $next_row = round($num_rows / 4, 0); $counter = 0; $tableList = explode(',', $Package->Database->FilterTables); echo '
'; foreach ($tables as $table) { if (DUP_Util::isTableExists($table[0])) { if (DUP_Util::isWPCoreTable($table[0])) { $core_css = 'core-table'; $core_note = '*'; } else { $core_css = 'non-core-table'; $core_note = ''; } if (in_array($table[0], $tableList)) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; $css = 'text-decoration:line-through'; } else { $checked = ''; $css = ''; } echo "
"; $counter++; if ($next_row <= $counter) { echo '
'; $counter = 0; } } } echo '
'; ?>
excluded from the database script. ", 'duplicator'); _e("Excluding certain tables can cause your site or plugins to not work correctly after install!
", 'duplicator'); _e(" Use caution when excluding tables! It is highly recommended to not exclude WordPress core tables*, unless you know the impact.", 'duplicator'); ?>

  " data-tooltip="">   []
Database->Compatible); $is_mysql40 = in_array('mysql40', $modes); $is_no_table = in_array('no_table_options', $modes); $is_no_key = in_array('no_key_options', $modes); $is_no_field = in_array('no_field_options', $modes); ?>
> > > >

" data-tooltip="">
:" data-tooltip="">

Installer->OptsSecureOn) ? $Package->Installer->OptsSecureOn : 0; $dup_install_secure_pass = isset($Package->Installer->OptsSecurePass) ? DUP_Util::installerUnscramble($Package->Installer->OptsSecurePass) : ''; ?> /> " data-tooltip="">

" style="width:16px; height:12px" />

title = __('Reset Package Settings?', 'duplicator'); $confirm1->message = __('This will clear and reset all of the current package settings. Would you like to continue?', 'duplicator'); $confirm1->jscallback = 'Duplicator.Pack.ResetSettings()'; $confirm1->initConfirm(); $default_name1 = DUP_Package::getDefaultName(); $default_name2 = DUP_Package::getDefaultName(false); ?>