allowable_ext = '*'; return; } if (is_array($array_allowable_ext)) { $this->allowable_ext = $array_allowable_ext; } else { echo 'setAllowableFormat method error : The argument for must be an array'; return; } } /** * Method to set maximum size of file to upload * * @param integer $int_max_size * @return void */ public function setMaxSize($int_max_size) { // checking for php.ini upload_size $this->max_size = intval($int_max_size); } /** * Method to set upload file directory * * @param string $str_upload_dir * @return void */ public function setUploadDir($str_upload_dir) { $this->upload_dir = $str_upload_dir; } /** * Method to upload file * * @param string $file_input_name * @param string $str_new_filename * @return integer */ public function doUpload($file_input_name, $str_new_filename = '') { // get file extension $file_ext = substr($_FILES[$file_input_name]['name'], strrpos($_FILES[$file_input_name]['name'], '.')); if (empty($str_new_filename)) { $this->new_filename = basename($_FILES[$file_input_name]['name']); } else { $this->new_filename = $str_new_filename.$file_ext; } $_isTypeAllowed = 0; // checking file extensions if ($this->allowable_ext != '*') { foreach ($this->allowable_ext as $ext) { if ($ext == $file_ext) { $_isTypeAllowed++; } } if (!$_isTypeAllowed) { $this->error = 'Filetype is forbidden'; return FILETYPE_NOT_ALLOWED; } } // check for file size $_size_kb = ((integer)$this->max_size)/1024; if ($_FILES[$file_input_name]['size'] > $this->max_size) { $this->error = 'Filesize is excedded maximum uploaded file size'; return FILESIZE_EXCED; } // uploading file if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file_input_name]['tmp_name'], $this->upload_dir.'/'.$this->new_filename)) { return UPLOAD_SUCCESS; } else { $upload_error = error_get_last(); $error_msg = ''; if ($upload_error) { $error_msg = 'PHP Error ('.$upload_error['message'].')'; } $this->error = 'Upload failed. Upload directory is not writable or not exists. '.$error_msg; return UPLOAD_FAILED; } } }