load->model('AdminModel', 'madmin', true); } public function index() { $data['title'] = 'List Repository'; $data['repos'] = $this->madmin->getAllRepo(); $data['script'] = 'datatables'; $this->load->template('repos', $data); } public function insert() { $getDraft = $this->madmin->getLastDraft(); $repo_id = !empty($getDraft->repo_id) ? $getDraft->repo_id : $this->madmin->insertDraft(); redirect('admin/draft/' . $repo_id); } public function draft($id) { $data['title'] = 'Repository'; $data['repo_id'] = $id; $data['types'] = $this->madmin->getAllType(); $data['subjects'] = $this->madmin->getAllSubject(); $this->load->template('repo_admin', $data); } public function update($id) { $data['title'] = 'Repository'; $data['repo_id'] = $id; $data['types'] = $this->madmin->getAllType(); $data['subjects'] = $this->madmin->getAllSubject(); $data['repo'] = $this->madmin->getRepo($id); $data['files'] = $this->madmin->getFiles($id); $this->load->template('repo_admin', $data); } public function save($repo_id) { $data = $this->input->post(); $data['user_id'] = 1; $this->madmin->updateRepo($data, $repo_id); redirect('admin/index'); } public function delete($repo_id) { $this->madmin->delete($repo_id); redirect('admin/index/'); } public function delete_file($file_id, $repo_id) { $this->madmin->deleteFile($file_id); redirect('admin/update/' . $repo_id); } public function batch_new() { $handle = fopen(FCPATH . 'assets/text/repofh.txt', 'r'); if ($handle) { while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) { $directory = FCPATH . 'assets/judul'; $dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $line_text = explode(',', $line); // $line_number_text = explode("#", $line); $line_number_text = explode(',', $line); // print_r($line_number_text);exit; $i =1; foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) { // echo getFileName($line).'
'; $indir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory . '/' . $fileinfo->getFilename(), RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $repo_folder = clear_numbers($fileinfo->getFilename()); // print_r($repo_folder);exit; if ($line_number_text[0] == $repo_folder) { $subject_id = $this->madmin->getSubject($line_text[3]); echo 'line number' . $line_number_text[0] . ' repo_folder name' . $repo_folder . ' judul ' . $repo_folder . 'subject '. $line_text[3].'subject_id' . $subject_id->subject_id.'
'; // print_r($line_text[1]);exit; $data['author'] = $repo_folder; $data['title'] = $line_text[2]; $data['subject_id'] = $subject_id->subject_id; $data['type_id'] = 9; $data['user_id'] = 1; $data['date'] = $line_text[1]. '-01-01'; print_r($data); $repo_id = $this->madmin->insertRepo($data); echo ''; } } $i++; // process the line read. } fclose($handle); } else { ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); print_r($handle); // error opening the file. } } public function batch_text_new() { $handle = fopen(FCPATH . 'assets/text/repofh.txt', 'r'); if ($handle) { $i = 0; while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) { $line_text = explode(",", $line); $subject_id = $this->madmin->getSubject($line_text[3]); foreach ($line_text as $l) { echo $l . "
"; } } } } public function batch_text() { $handle = fopen(FCPATH . 'assets/text/repofh.txt', 'r'); if ($handle) { $i = 1; while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) { // echo $i. ' judul '. $line. '
'; $line_text = explode(",", $line); // print_r($line_text); // echo $i. $line_text[3] . '
'; $subject_id = $this->madmin->getSubject($line_text[3]); echo $i. ' judul ' . $subject_id->subject_id; // print_r($subject_id); // switch ($line_text[3]) { // case "SKRIPSI": // echo 1; // break; // case "STUDI KASUS": // echo 11; // break; // case "LEGAL MEMORANDUM": // echo 12; // break; // default: // echo 1; // break; // } $i++; // echo $line . '
'; // echo $subject_id . '
'; } } } public function batch_old_() { $directory = FCPATH . 'assets/files'; $dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) { $indir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory . '/' . $fileinfo->getFilename(), RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $repo_folder = explode(',', $fileinfo->getFilename()); $data['author'] = $repo_folder[0]; $data['title'] = $repo_folder[2]; $data['subject_id'] = 1; $data['type_id'] = 1; $data['user_id'] = 1; $data['date'] = '2019-10-10'; // $repo_id = $this->madmin->insertRepo($data); echo ''; } } public function copyf() { $url = 'http://repo.test/assets/judul/ARYA ANDRIAN NUGROHO, PENGAWASAN MESIN PARKIR OTOMATIS/10. BAB I.docx'; $suff = '_' . uniqeID(); $filename = substr($url, strrpos($url, '/') + 1); $ext = getFileExt($filename); copy($url, FCPATH . '/assets/test/' . getFileName($filename) . $suff . $ext); } public function upload($id) { $config['upload_path'] = fileFullPath(); $config['allowed_types'] = '*'; $config['max_size'] = 100000; $config['max_width'] = 9024; $config['max_height'] = 9000; $config['file_name'] = getFileName($_FILES['files']['name']) . '_' . uniqeID(); // $config['url'] = 'testing'; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload('files')) { $error = ['error' => $this->upload->display_errors()]; echo fileFullPath(); print_r($error); print_r($this->input->post()); } else { $data['post_id'] = $id; $data = ['upload_data' => $this->upload->data()]; $data_ori = [ 'repo_id' => $id, 'full_path' => filePath(), 'filename' => $data['upload_data']['file_name'], 'original_name' => $data['upload_data']['client_name'], 'file_ext' => $data['upload_data']['file_ext'], 'file_size' => $data['upload_data']['file_size'], 'file_type' => $data['upload_data']['file_type'], ]; // check if tb img feature not exits post id $this->madmin->insertFile($data_ori); $data['success'] = true; $data['status'] = 200; // print_r($data); echo json_encode($data); // return $data; } } }