'', 'port' => 9312, 'index' => 'slims', 'mode' => null, 'timeout' => 0, 'filter' => '@last_update desc', 'filtervals' => array(), 'groupby' => null, 'groupsort' => null, 'sortby' => null, 'sortexpr' => null, 'distinct' => 'biblio_id', 'select' => null, 'limit' => 20, 'max_limit' => 500000, 'ranker' => null); protected $offset = 0; private $sphinx = null; private $sphinx_error = false; private $no_query = false; private $sphinx_no_result = false; /** * Class Constructor * * @param object $obj_db * @param integer $int_num_show */ public function __construct($obj_db, $int_num_show) { parent::__construct($obj_db, $int_num_show); if (!class_exists('SphinxClient')) { throw new Exception('SPHINX API Library is not installed yet!'); } else { $this->sphinx = new SphinxClient(); // check searchd status $_sphinx_status = $this->sphinx->Status(); if (!$_sphinx_status) { throw new Exception('SPHINX Server is not running! Please check if it already configured correctly.'); } // defaults $this->options['mode'] = SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2; $this->options['ranker'] = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25; // get page number from http get var if (!isset($_GET['page']) OR $_GET['page'] < 1){ $_page = 1; } else { $_page = (integer)$_GET['page']; } $this->current_page = $_page; // count the row offset if ($this->current_page <= 1) { $_offset = 0; } else { $this->offset = ($this->current_page*$this->num2show) - $this->num2show; } } } /** * Compile SQL * * @return string */ public function compileSQL() { $_sql_str = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS index.biblio_id, index.title, index.author, index.image, index.isbn_issn, index.labels FROM search_biblio AS `index`'; if (isset($this->criteria['sql_criteria'])) { $_sql_str .= ' WHERE '.$this->criteria['sql_criteria']; } else if ($this->sphinx_no_result) { $_sql_str .= " WHERE index.biblio_id<0"; } else { $this->no_query = true; $_sql_str .= " WHERE index.biblio_id IS NOT NULL"; } // ordering $_sql_str .= ' ORDER BY index.last_update DESC '; // set limit when query is empty if (!isset($this->criteria['sql_criteria']) || $this->no_query) { $_sql_str .= ' LIMIT '.$this->offset.','.$this->num2show; } return $_sql_str; } /** * Method to print out document records * * @param object $obj_db * @param integer $int_num2show * @param boolean $bool_return_output * @return string */ public function getDocumentList($bool_return_output = true) { global $sysconf; if ($this->sphinx_error) { $this->resultset = false; } else { $_sql_str = $this->compileSQL(); if ($this->no_query) { // start time $_start = function_exists('microtime')?microtime(true):time(); // execute query $this->resultset = $this->obj_db->query($_sql_str); if ($this->obj_db->error) { $this->query_error = $this->obj_db->error; } // get total number of rows from query $_total_q = $this->obj_db->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'); $_total_d = $_total_q->fetch_row(); $this->num_rows = $_total_d[0]; // end time $_end = function_exists('microtime')?microtime(true):time(); $this->query_time = round($_end-$_start, 5); } else { $this->resultset = $this->obj_db->query($_sql_str); } if ($this->obj_db->error) { $this->query_error = $this->obj_db->error; } } if ($bool_return_output) { // return the html result return $this->makeOutput(); } } /** * Set sphinx search option * * @param array $arr_options * @return void */ public function setOptions($arr_options) { $this->options = $arr_options; } /** * Method to set search criteria * * @param string $str_criteria * @return void */ public function setSQLcriteria($str_criteria) { if (!$str_criteria) return null; // defaults $_query_str = ''; $_searched_fields = array(); $_previous_field = ''; $_boolean = ''; $_b = ''; // parse query $this->orig_query = $str_criteria; $_queries = simbio_tokenizeCQL($str_criteria, $this->searchable_fields, $this->stop_words, $this->queries_word_num_allowed); // var_dump($_queries); if (count($_queries) < 1) { return null; } // loop each query // echo '
'; var_dump($_queries); echo '
'; foreach ($_queries as $_num => $_query) { // field $_field = $_query['f']; if ($_previous_field <> $_field) { if ($_field != 'boolean') { $_query_str .= ''; } else { $_query_str .= ')'; } } // break the loop if we meet `cql_end` field if ($_field == 'cql_end') { continue; } // if field is boolean if ($_field == 'boolean') { if ($_query['b'] == '*') { $_query_str .= ' | '; } else { $_query_str .= ' & '; } continue; } else { if ($_query['b'] == '-') { $_query_str .= ' -'; } else if ($_query['b'] == '*') { $_query_str .= ' | '; } else { $_query_str .= ' '; } $_q = @$this->obj_db->escape_string($_query['q']); $_q = isset($_query['is_phrase'])?'"'.$_q.'"':$_q; $_boolean = ''; } if ($_previous_field == $_field) { $_query_str .= $_q; continue; } $_previous_field = $_field; // for debugging purpose only // echo "

$_num. $_field -> $_boolean -> $_query_str


"; // check fields $_q = $_b.$_q; switch ($_field) { case 'author' : $_query_str .= " (@author $_q"; break; case 'subject' : $_query_str .= " (@topic $_q"; break; case 'location' : $_query_str .= " @location $_q"; break; case 'colltype' : $_query_str .= " @collection_types $_q"; break; case 'itemcode' : $_query_str .= " @items $_q"; break; case 'callnumber' : $_query_str .= " @call_number $_q"; break; case 'itemcallnumber' : $_query_str .= " @item_call_number $_q"; break; case 'class' : $_query_str .= " @classification $_q"; break; case 'isbn' : $_query_str .= " @isbn_issn $_q"; break; case 'publisher' : $_query_str .= " @publisher $_q"; break; case 'publishyear' : $_query_str .= " @publish_year $_q"; break; case 'gmd' : $_query_str .= " @gmd $_q"; break; case 'notes' : $_query_str .= " @notes $_q"; break; default : $_query_str .= " (@title $_q"; break; } } $_query_str .= ')'; // check if query is empty if (!$_query_str) { $this->no_query = true; $_sql_criteria = 'index.biblio_id IS NOT NULL'; $this->criteria = array('sql_criteria' => $_sql_criteria, 'searched_fields' => $_searched_fields); return $this->criteria; } // set options $this->sphinx->SetServer ( $this->options['host'], $this->options['port'] ); $this->sphinx->SetConnectTimeout ( $this->options['timeout'] ); $this->sphinx->SetArrayResult ( true ); $this->sphinx->SetWeights ( array ( 100, 1 ) ); $this->sphinx->SetMatchMode ( $this->options['mode'] ); if (count($this->options['filtervals'])) { $this->sphinx->SetFilter ( $this->options['filter'], $this->options['filtervals'] ); } if ($this->options['groupby']) { $this->sphinx->SetGroupBy ( $this->options['groupby'], SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, $this->options['groupsort'] ); } if ($this->options['sortby']) { $this->sphinx->SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, $this->options['sortby'] ); $this->sphinx->SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXPR, $this->options['sortexpr'] ); } $this->sphinx->SetGroupDistinct ( $this->options['distinct'] ); if ($this->options['select']) { $this->sphinx->SetSelect ( $this->options['select'] ); } $this->sphinx->SetLimits ( $this->offset, $this->num2show?$this->num2show:$this->options['limit'], $this->options['max_limit'] ); $this->sphinx->SetRankingMode ( $this->options['ranker'] ); // invoke sphinx query $_search_result = $this->sphinx->Query($_query_str, $this->options['index']); // echo '
'; var_dump($_search_result); echo '
'; die(); if ($_search_result === false) { $this->sphinx_error = true; $this->query_error = $this->sphinx->GetLastError(); return false; } if (isset($_search_result['matches']) && is_array($_search_result['matches'])) { $_matched_ids = '('; foreach ($_search_result['matches'] as $_match) { $_matched_ids .= $_match['id'].','; } // remove last comma $_matched_ids = substr_replace($_matched_ids, '', -1); $_matched_ids .= ')'; $_sql_criteria = "index.biblio_id IN $_matched_ids"; $this->num_rows = $_search_result['total_found']; $this->query_time = $_search_result['time']; $this->criteria = array('sql_criteria' => $_sql_criteria, 'searched_fields' => $_searched_fields); return $this->criteria; } else { $this->sphinx_no_result = true; return false; } } }