// COMMON //////////////////// //GLOBAL VARIABLES //MESSAGES var msgSaveSuccess = 'Simpan data berhasil'; var msgSaveFail = 'Simpan data gagal'; var msgSaveInvalid = 'Data belum valid (data primer belum terisi)!'; //TIMER /* var rhVar=setInterval(function(){rhTimer()},1000); //for Timer setInterval(function(){ var d=new Date(); var t=d.toLocaleTimeString(); Ext.getCmp('tf.timekwi-byr').setValue(t); },1000) function rhStopTimer(){ //clearInterval(rhVar); //STOP TIMER ACTION } */ RH={version:"1.0.0",versionDetail:{major:1,minor:1,patch:0}}; RH.getVersion = function(){ return 'RH.version: 1.0.0 [Developed by RH]'; } RH.h3 = function(text, align){ var hAlign = 'center'; if(align =='c') hAlign = 'center'; if(align =='l') hAlign = 'left'; if(align =='r') hAlign = 'right'; //return "


"; return "


"; } RH.center = function(text){ return "
"; } RH.space = function(size){ var ret = ''; for(var i=0;i 0 ) for (var i = 0; i < arrayPars.length; i++){ if(arrayPars[i].key){ var value = ''; if(arrayPars[i].id) value = RH.getCompValue(arrayPars[i].id,true); if(arrayPars[i].value) value = arrayPars[i].value; store.setBaseParam(arrayPars[i].key, value); } } } if(arg.enableSearch){ store.setBaseParam('key', RH.getKeyPar()); store.setBaseParam('value', RH.getValPar()); } }); return ds; }; /** DATA JSON STORE with COMMON FIELDS (KODE, NAMA) */ RH.getCommonJsonStore = function(fieldsObj, dsUrl){ var jsonStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url: dsUrl, method: 'POST' }), autoLoad: true, root: 'data', fields: fieldsObj, }); return jsonStore; } /*=================================================*/ /** FORM COMPONENTS */ RH.FTextField = function(arg){ //TextField var tf = new Ext.form.TextField({ id: arg.id, fieldLabel: arg.label, submitValue: true, width: arg.width, allowBlank: false }); //Label var lb = new Ext.form.Label({ id:'lb.'+arg.id, text: arg.mark, style: 'color:red', margins: '0 0 0 5' }); var c = { xtype: 'container', fieldLabel: arg.label, layout: 'hbox', items: [ tf, lb] }; return c; } RH.ActionCombo = function(arg){ var cannotEmpty = (arg.cannotEmpty)? arg.cannotEmpty: false; var cb = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ xtype: 'combo', id: arg.id, fieldLabel: arg.label, //width: arg.width, editable: false, allowBlank: !cannotEmpty, store: arg.data, valueField: arg.key, displayField: arg.display, triggerAction: 'all', forceSelection: true, submitValue: true, mode: 'local', emptyText:'Pilih...', listeners:{ scope: this, select: arg.fnSelect } }); if(arg.width) cb.width = arg.width; return cb; } RH.TimeRangeCombos = function(arg){ var comp = new Object({ xtype:'container', layout:'hbox', fieldLabel: arg.labels[0], defaultType: 'textfield', items: [{ xtype:'combo', id: arg.ids[0], allowBlank: false, width: 60, store: arg.store, valueField:arg.valueField, displayField:arg.displayField, mode: 'local', submitValue: true, editable:true }, { xtype:'label', margins: '0 0 0 6', text:arg.labels[1], width: arg.space, }, { xtype:'combo', id: arg.ids[1], allowBlank: false, margins: '0 0 0 6', width: 60, store: arg.store, valueField:arg.valueField, displayField:arg.displayField, mode: 'local', submitValue: true, editable:true }] }); return comp; } /**============================================*/ /** GRID COLUMN */ /*RH.GridColumn = function(arg){ return rag; }*/ RH.h3ColumnHeader = function(cm){ for(var i=0; i < cm.getColumnCount(); i++){ var header = RH.h3(cm.getColumnHeader(i)); cm.setColumnHeader(i, header); } } /** RH COMMON/STANDARD GRID PANEL =====================*/ RH.GridPanel_T1 = function(arg){ RH.h3ColumnHeader(arg.cm); // Selection Model var sm = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: arg.singleSelect }); // Grid View var gv = new Ext.grid.GridView({ emptyText: '< Belum ada Data >' }); var gp = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ ds: arg.ds, //title: arg.title, iconCls: arg.iconCls, cm: arg.cm, sm: sm, view: gv, forceFit: true, //autoHeight: true, //width:500, autoSizeColumns: true, autoScroll:true, enableColumnResize: true, enableColumnHide: false, enableColumnMove: false, enableHdaccess: false, columnLines: true, loadMask: true, tbar : getToolBar(), bbar : new Ext.PagingToolbar({ store: arg.ds, displayInfo: true, pageSize: arg.pageSize, mode: 'local', displayMsg: 'Data {0} - {1} dari {2}', emptyMsg: "Belum ada data" }), listeners: { cellclick: arg.cellclick } }); function getToolBar(){ if(arg.allowAdd){ return [{ text: 'Tambah', iconCls: 'silk-add', handler: arg.fnAdd }, getCustomButton(), getSpacer(), arg.searchComp ]; } else{ return [getCustomButton(), getSpacer(), arg.searchComp]; } } function getSpacer(){ var sWidth = arg.cm.getTotalWidth() - (RH.searchObj.comboWidth + RH.searchObj.textWidth); var spacer = { xtype:'tbspacer', width: sWidth, hidden: true }; if(arg.allowAdd){ sWidth = sWidth - 100; spacer.width = sWidth; spacer.hidden = false; } if(arg.customButton){ //sWidth = sWidth - arg.customButton.width; sWidth = sWidth - (arg.customButton.text.length * 4); spacer.width = sWidth; spacer.hidden = false; } return spacer; } function getCustomButton(){ var button = { }; button.hidden = true; if(arg.customButton){ button = arg.customButton; button.hidden = false; } return button; } if(arg.id) gp.id = arg.id; return gp; } /** Editor Grid Panel Type-1 */ RH.EditorGridPanel_T1 = function(arg){ RH.h3ColumnHeader(arg.cm); // Selection Model var sm = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: arg.singleSelect }); // Grid View var gv = new Ext.grid.GridView({ emptyText: '< Belum ada Data >' }); var gp = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ ds: arg.ds, //title: arg.title, iconCls: arg.iconCls, cm: arg.cm, sm: sm, view: gv, clicksToEdit: arg.clicksToEdit, forceFit: true, //autoHeight: true, //width:500, autoSizeColumns: true, autoScroll:true, enableColumnResize: true, enableColumnHide: true, enableColumnMove: false, enableHdaccess: false, columnLines: true, loadMask: true, tbar : getToolBar(), bbar : new Ext.PagingToolbar({ store: arg.ds, displayInfo: true, pageSize: arg.pageSize, mode: 'local', displayMsg: 'Data {0} - {1} dari {2}', emptyMsg: "Belum ada data" }), listeners: { cellclick: arg.cellclick } }); function getToolBar(){ if(arg.allowAdd){ return [{ text: RH.h3('Tambah'), iconCls: 'silk-add', handler: arg.fnAdd }, getCustomButton(), getSpacer(), getSearchComp() //arg.searchComp ]; } else{ return [getCustomButton(), getSpacer(), getSearchComp() /*arg.searchComp*/]; } } function getSearchComp(){ if(arg.searchComp) return arg.searchComp; else return {xtype:'tbspacer',hidden:true}; } function getSpacer(){ var sWidth = arg.cm.getTotalWidth() - (RH.searchObj.comboWidth + RH.searchObj.textWidth); var spacer = { xtype:'tbspacer', width: sWidth, hidden: true }; if(arg.allowAdd){ sWidth = sWidth - 100; spacer.width = sWidth; spacer.hidden = false; } if(arg.customButton){ sWidth = sWidth - (arg.customButton.text.length * 4); //var bWidth = document.getElementById(arg.customButton.id).width; //RH.warning(bWidth); spacer.width = sWidth; spacer.hidden = false; if(!arg.allowAdd && arg.customButton.hidden){ spacer.hidden = true; spacer.width = 0; } } return spacer; } function getCustomButton(){ var button = { }; button.hidden = true; if(arg.customButton){ var text = RH.h3(arg.customButton.text); arg.customButton.text = text; button = arg.customButton; button.hidden = arg.customButton.hidden; } return button; } if(arg.id) gp.id = arg.id; return gp; } /** Grid Panel CONTAINER (Panel) */ RH.GPContainer1 = function(arg){ var panel = new Ext.Panel({ //new Ext.form.FormPanel({ title: arg.title, iconCls: arg.iconCls, buttonAlign: 'left', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', border: false, layout: 'fit', waitMsg: 'Waiting...', maskDisabled: false, monitorValid: true, frame: true, items: [{ xtype: 'panel', layout:'fit', items: [arg.gridPanel], }], }); return panel; } RH.GPContainer1_wHeaders = function(arg){ //var panel = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ var panel = new Ext.Panel({ title: arg.title, iconCls: arg.iconCls, buttonAlign: 'left', bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px', border: false, layout: 'border', waitMsg: 'Waiting...', maskDisabled: false, monitorValid: true, frame: true, items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', flex: 1, region:'north', layout:'form', autoHeight:true, labelWidth:arg.headerLabelWidth, labelAlign:'right', items: arg.headers, }, { xtype: 'panel', layout:'fit', region:'center', items: [arg.gridPanel], }], }); return panel; } /**===============================*/ RH.warning = function(msg){ Ext.Msg.alert("Warning", msg); //Bisa juga MessageBox } RH.getCompValue = function(idComp, forceEmpty){ if(Ext.getCmp(idComp)) return Ext.getCmp(idComp).getValue(); else{ if(forceEmpty) return ''; else RH.warning('GET value error: component id: '+ idComp + ' not found'); } } RH.setCompValue = function(idComp, val){ if(Ext.getCmp(idComp)) Ext.getCmp(idComp).setValue(val); else RH.warning('SET value error: component id: '+ idComp + ' not found'); } RH.compRecField = function(idComp,record, field){ RH.setCompValue(idComp, record.data[field]); } RH.disableComp = function(idcomp){ //if(Ext.getCmp(idComp)) Ext.getCmp(idcomp).disable(); } RH.enableComp = function(idcomp){ //if(Ext.getCmp(idComp)) Ext.getCmp(idcomp).enable(); } RH.getNameWTitle = function(frontT, name, backT){ var nameWTitle = name; if(frontT != null && frontT != '') nameWTitle = frontT + ' ' + nameWTitle; if(backT != null && backT != '') nameWTitle += ' ' + backT; return nameWTitle; } RH.setNameWTitle = function(idFrontT, idBackT, idName, idNameWT){ var name = ''; var frontT = ''; var backT = ''; if(Ext.getCmp(idFrontT)) frontT = RH.getCompValue(idFrontT); if(Ext.getCmp(idBackT)) backT = RH.getCompValue(idBackT); if(Ext.getCmp(idName)) name = RH.getCompValue(idName); var nameWT = RH.getNameWTitle(frontT, name, backT); RH.setCompValue(idNameWT, nameWT); } RH.isEmpty = function(idKey){ var key = ''; if(Ext.getCmp(idKey)) key = Ext.getCmp(idKey).getValue(); return ((key == '')||(key == null)); } /** STORE & RECORD */ RH.getRecAtVal = function(store, field, value){ var record = null; var index = store.find(field, value); if(index != -1)//the record has been found { record = store.getAt(index); } return record; } RH.getFieldValue = function(idComp, valueField, findField){ var fieldValue = ''; var store = Ext.getCmp(idComp).getStore(); var index = store.find(valueField, Ext.getCmp(idComp).getValue()); if(index != -1)//the record has been found { var record = store.getAt(index); fieldValue = record.data[findField];// } return fieldValue; } RH.getRecordFieldValue = function(store, field, key, value){ var fValue = ''; var index = store.find(key, value); if(index != -1)//the record has been found { var record = store.getAt(index); fValue = record.data[field];// } return fValue; } RH.sumRecVal = function(store, colField){ var sum = 0; //store.each(function (rec) { sum += rec.get('NameColumn'); }); store.each(function (rec) { sum += parseFloat(rec.data[colField]); }); return sum; } /** FORM */ RH.getForm = function(idform){ var form; if(Ext.getCmp(idform)){ var comp = Ext.getCmp(idform); if(comp.getForm()){ return comp.getForm(); } else RH.warning('Component with id: '+idform+' is Not a Form'); } else RH.warning('Component with id: '+idform+' Not Found'); } RH.resetForm = function(idform){ Ext.getCmp(idform).getForm().reset(); } RH.submitForm = function(idForm, sUrl, sParams, fnAfterSuccess, msgWait, msgSuccess, msgFail, msgInvalid) { var form = RH.getForm(idForm); if(form.isValid()){ //form.standardSubmit = true; //true utk debug //form.url = sUrl; form.method = 'POST'; form.submit({ url: sUrl, method: 'POST', params: sParams, //params: form.getFieldValues(true), waitMsg: msgWait, //'Tunggu, sedang proses...', success: function(){ Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", msgSuccess); fnAfterSuccess; }, failure: function(){ Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", msgFail); }, /* callback: = function( success ) { if ( success ){ fnAfterSuccess; Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", msgSuccess); } else Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", msgFail); }*/ }); } else { Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", msgInvalid); //Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", "Data belum valid (data primer belum terisi)"); } } RH.submitGridForm = function(idForm, sUrl, sParams, grid, win, msgWait, msgSuccess, msgFail, msgInvalid) { var form = RH.getForm(idForm); if(form.isValid()){ form.submit({ url: sUrl, method: 'POST', params: sParams, waitMsg: msgWait, success: function(){ Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", msgSuccess); grid.getStore().reload(); win.close(); }, failure: function(){ Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", msgFail); } }); } else { Ext.Msg.alert("Info:", msgInvalid); } } RH.InsertToGrid = function(arg){ if(!arg.formId){ RH.warning('formId tidak terdefinisi'); return; } if(!arg.url){ RH.warning('url tidak terdefinisi'); return; } if(!arg.params){ RH.warning('params tidak terdefinisi'); return; } if(!arg.grid){ RH.warning('grid tidak terdefinisi'); return; } if(!arg.window){ RH.warning('window tidak terdefinisi'); return; } var msgWait = 'Tunggu, sedang proses menyimpan...'; var msgSuccess = 'Tambah data berhasil'; var msgFail = 'Tambah data gagal'; var msgInvalid = 'Data belum valid (data primer belum terisi)!'; RH.submitGridForm(arg.formId, arg.url, arg.params, arg.grid, arg.window, msgWait, msgSuccess, msgFail, msgInvalid); } RH.deleteGridRecord = function(url, params, grid ){ Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'Konfirmasi', msg: 'Hapus data yang dipilih?', buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function (response) { if ('yes' !== response) { return; } Ext.Ajax.request({ url: url, method: 'POST', params: params, success: function() { Ext.Msg.alert("Info", "Hapus Data Berhasil"); grid.getStore().reload(); }, failure: function(result){ Ext.MessageBox.alert("Info", "Hapus Data Gagal"); } }); } }); } RH.deleteAllRecords = function(url, params, grid, msgKonfirm){ Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'Konfirmasi', msg: msgKonfirm, buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION, fn: function (response) { if ('yes' !== response) { return; } Ext.Ajax.request({ url: url, method: 'POST', params: params, success: function() { Ext.Msg.alert("Info", "Hapus Data Berhasil"); grid.getStore().reload(); }, failure: function(result){ Ext.MessageBox.alert("Info", "Hapus Data Gagal"); } }); } }); } /** ==== LOAD & REMOVE GRID FROM PANEL DETAIL ======================================================== */ RH.loadDetail = function(idPanel,gridPanelDet){ var panelDetail = Ext.getCmp(idPanel); if(panelDetail){ panelDetail.removeAll(); panelDetail.add(gridPanelDet); panelDetail.doLayout(); } } RH.removeDetail = function(idPanel){ var panelDetail = Ext.getCmp(idPanel); if(panelDetail){ panelDetail.removeAll(); } } /** ==== HIDE & SHOW PANEL DETAIL ======================================================== */ RH.showDetail = function(idPanel,gridPanelDet){ var panelDetail = Ext.getCmp(idPanel); if(panelDetail){ panelDetail.removeAll(); panelDetail.add(gridPanelDet); panelDetail.doLayout(); panelDetail.show(); } } RH.hideDetail = function(idPanel){ var panelDetail = Ext.getCmp(idPanel); if(panelDetail){ panelDetail.removeAll(); panelDetail.hide(); } } /** ================= COMON COMPONENTS */ /** =================SEARCH BAR RELATED======================== */ RH.keyAndName = function(){ var sArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var fArray = arguments[i]; sArray.push({ key: fArray[0], name: fArray[1]}); } return new Object(sArray); } RH.searchObj = new Object({ //id : 'fp.search-bar', idCombo : 'cb.src', idText : 'tf.src', idButton : 'bt.src', store : new Ext.data.JsonStore(), params : new Object(), comboWidth : 150, textWidth : 150, selected : 0, }); RH.searchObj_init = function(){ RH.searchObj.idCombo = 'cb.src'; RH.searchObj.idText = 'tf.src'; RH.searchObj.idButton = 'bt.src'; RH.searchObj.store = new Ext.data.JsonStore(); RH.searchObj.params = new Object(); RH.searchObj.comboWidth = 150; RH.searchObj.textWidth = 150; } RH.getKeyPar = function(){ idKey = RH.searchObj.idCombo; var keyPar = ''; if(Ext.getCmp(idKey)) keyPar = RH.getCompValue(idKey); return keyPar } RH.getValPar = function(){ idVal = RH.searchObj.idText; var valPar = ''; if(Ext.getCmp(idVal)) valPar = RH.getCompValue(idVal); return valPar } RH.searchBar = function(){ //var idForm = RH.searchObj.id; var idCombo = RH.searchObj.idCombo; var idText = RH.searchObj.idText; var idButton = RH.searchObj.idButton; var comboWidth = RH.searchObj.comboWidth; var textWidth = RH.searchObj.textWidth; var containerWidth = comboWidth + textWidth + 50; var comboData = RH.searchObj.params; var store = RH.searchObj.store; var comboStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ autoDestroy: true, fields: ['key', 'name'], data : comboData, }); var searchBar = { xtype:'form', //id: idForm, border:false, frame:false, bodyStyle: 'background:transparent; padding:1px;', defaults:{ labelAlign:'right', lebelWidth:100}, items:[{ xtype:'container', layout:'hbox', //fieldLabel:'Pencarian', width: containerWidth, items:[{ xtype:'combo', id: idCombo, width: comboWidth, emptyText:'Cari berdasarkan ...', store: comboStore, valueField:'key', displayField:'name', editable: false, triggerAction: 'all', forceSelection: true, submitValue: true, mode: 'local', },{ xtype:'textfield', id: idText, margins:'0 0 0 5', width: textWidth, },{ xtype:'button', iconCls:'silk-zoom', margins:'0 0 0 5', id: idButton, //handler: function() { reloadGridStore(); } handler: function() { reloadGridStore() } }] }] }; function reloadGridStore(){ if(RH.isEmpty(idCombo)) return; store.reload({ params: { key: RH.getCompValue(idCombo), value: RH.getCompValue(idText), }, }); } //searchBar.getId = function (){ return idCombo; } return searchBar; } RH.searchComp = function(arg){ var pars = []; if(arg.fields){ var fArray = arg.fields; for(var i=0; i' + value +''; } RH.qtip = function(value,qtip,color){ var fontColor = (color)? color : 'black'; Ext.QuickTips.init(); return '
' + value +'
'; } RH.qtipEdit = function(value,fontSize){ var fontsize = (fontSize)? fontSize : '10px'; Ext.QuickTips.init(); //return '
' return '
' + value +'
'; } RH.EditColumn = function(){ function getImg(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); return ''; }; var cObj = { header: RH.h3('Edit'), width: 40, sortable: false, align: 'center', renderer: getImg }; return cObj; } RH.DeleteColumn = function(){ function getImg(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); return ''; }; var cObj = { header: RH.h3('Hapus'), width: 45, sortable: false, align: 'center', renderer: getImg }; return cObj; } RH.EditClick = function(event, fnEdit){ var t = event.getTarget(); //var isEdit = false; if (t.className == 'imgEdit') fnEdit();//isEdit = true; return; //isEdit; } RH.DeleteClick = function(event, fnDelete){ var t = event.getTarget(); var isDelete = false; if (t.className == 'imgDelete')fnDelete();// isDelete = true; return;// isDelete; } /** DEPRECATED EDIT, DELETE COLUMN */ RH.column_edit = function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); return ''; } RH.column_delete = function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(); return ''; } RH.column_edit_delete = function(){ var strRender = ''; strRender = RH.column_edit() + ' ' + RH.column_delete(); return strRender; } /** (GRID) COLUMN (CELL) EDITOR */ /** type: NUMBERFIELD */ RH.getNumEditor = function(id, type, minValue, maxValue, isAllowBlank, fnChange){ var isAllowNegative = (minValue >= 0)? false : true; var isAllowDecimals = (type=='DECIMALS')? true : false; var numEditor = new Ext.form.NumberField({ id: id, minValue: minValue, maxValue: maxValue, allowBlank: isAllowBlank, allowNegative: isAllowNegative, allowDecimals: isAllowDecimals, listeners: { change: fnChange, /* render: function(c) { c.getEl().on('keypress', function(e) { fnChange; }, c); }*/ } }); return numEditor; } /** type: COMBO */ RH.getComboEditor = function(idCombo, isEditable, store, valKey, dispKey, fnSelect){ var isTypeAhead = (isEditable)? true : false; var hiddenName = 'h.' + idCombo; var comboEditor = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ id: idCombo, name: idCombo, hiddenName:hiddenName, store: store, valueField: valKey, displayField: dispKey, editable: isEditable, forceSelection: true, submitValue: true, typeAhead: isTypeAhead, mode: 'local', emptyText: 'Pilih...', selectOnFocus: true, listeners: { select: fnSelect } }); return comboEditor; } /** LOOK UP COMPONENT */ RH.Lookup2Field = function(arg){ var codeId = arg.codeId; var nameId = arg.nameId; var codeWidth = arg.widths[0]; var nameWidth = arg.widths[1]; var comp = { xtype: 'container', fieldLabel: arg.label, id: arg.id, layout: 'hbox', width: codeWidth+nameWidth+40, defaultType: 'textfield', defaults: { hideLabel: true }, items: [ { id: codeId, width: codeWidth, readOnly: true, hidden:!arg.codeVisible, margins: '0 6 0 0'} , { id: nameId, width: nameWidth, readOnly: true } , { xtype: 'button', iconCls: 'silk-find', margins: '0 0 0 6', width: 25, handler: arg.fnLookup }] }; return comp; } /** CodeNameField */ RH.CodeNameField = function(arg){ var codeId = arg.ids[0]; var nameId = arg.ids[1]; var codeWidth = arg.widths[0]; var nameWidth = arg.widths[1]; var comp = { layout:'form', items:[{ xtype: 'container', fieldLabel: arg.label, id: arg.id, layout: 'hbox', width: codeWidth+nameWidth+40, defaultType: 'textfield', defaults: { hideLabel: true }, items: [ { id:codeId , width: codeWidth, disabled:arg.disabled, margins: '0 6 0 0'} , { id: nameId, width: nameWidth, disabled:arg.disabled } ] }] }; return comp; } /** * PHOTO PICKER */ RH.PhotoPicker = function(arg){ var pWidth = (arg.width)? arg.width : 200; var pHeight = (arg.height)? arg.height : 200; var pStyle = (arg.style)? arg.style : 'margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px'; Ext.QuickTips.init(); var fpn = new Ext.Panel({ id: arg.id, style: pStyle, frame: true, height: pHeight, width: pWidth, border: true, //html: 'PHOTO', //'


', bodyStyle: 'background:#ffc; padding:0px;', /* listeners: { render: function(panel) { panel.body.on('mouseover', function() { RH.warning('get foto'); }); } } *//* listeners: { render: function () { this.getEl().dom.title = 'my custom tool tip'; } }*/ }); var tip = new Ext.ToolTip({ target: arg.id, html: 'A very simple tooltip' }); Ext.QuickTips.init(); return fpn; } RH.ShowReport = function(rpt_url){ var win = window.open(); win.location.reload(); win.location = rpt_url; } /** =======================================================================*/ RH.combo = function(cId, cLabel, cDS, cVal, cDisp, cWidth, cEditable, cAllowBlank) { var c = { xtype: 'combo', id: cId, fieldLabel: cLabel, store: cDS, triggerAction: 'all', valueField: cVal, displayField: cDisp, forceSelection: true, submitValue: true, mode: 'local',//'remote', emptyText:'Pilih...', selectOnFocus:false, width: cWidth, editable: cEditable, allowBlank: cAllowBlank, } return c; } /* //CONTOH ACTION COLUMN var AspActionColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.Column, { header: 'Remove', menuDisabled: true, editable: false, sortable: false, constructor: function(cfg){ AspActionColumn.superclass.constructor.call(this, cfg); this.width = 60; this.renderer = function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) { var id = Ext.id(); var html; html = ''; this.setupOnClick.defer(1, this, [id, store, rowIndex]); return html; } }, setupOnClick: function(id, store, rowIndex) { var grid = Asp.invite.grid; var rowIndex = rowIndex; var store = store; var rowElement = grid.getView().getRow(rowIndex); Ext.fly(id).on('click', function(ev) { ev.stopEvent(); var currentIndex = grid.getView().findRowIndex(rowElement); if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this mentee?')) { store.removeAt(currentIndex); } }, this); } }); */ /** ========= UTILITY ======================================================= */ function terbilang(bilangan) { bilangan = String(bilangan); var angka = new Array('0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0'); var kata = new Array('','Satu','Dua','Tiga','Empat','Lima','Enam','Tujuh','Delapan','Sembilan'); var tingkat = new Array('','Ribu','Juta','Milyar','Triliun'); var panjang_bilangan = bilangan.length; /* pengujian panjang bilangan */ if (panjang_bilangan > 15) { kaLimat = "Diluar Batas"; return kaLimat; } /* mengambil angka-angka yang ada dalam bilangan, dimasukkan ke dalam array */ for (i = 1; i <= panjang_bilangan; i++) { angka[i] = bilangan.substr(-(i),1); } i = 1; j = 0; kaLimat = ""; /* mulai proses iterasi terhadap array angka */ while (i <= panjang_bilangan) { subkaLimat = ""; kata1 = ""; kata2 = ""; kata3 = ""; /* untuk Ratusan */ if (angka[i+2] != "0") { if (angka[i+2] == "1") { kata1 = "Seratus"; } else { kata1 = kata[angka[i+2]] + " Ratus"; } } /* untuk Puluhan atau Belasan */ if (angka[i+1] != "0") { if (angka[i+1] == "1") { if (angka[i] == "0") { kata2 = "Sepuluh"; } else if (angka[i] == "1") { kata2 = "Sebelas"; } else { kata2 = kata[angka[i]] + " Belas"; } } else { kata2 = kata[angka[i+1]] + " Puluh"; } } /* untuk Satuan */ if (angka[i] != "0") { if (angka[i+1] != "1") { kata3 = kata[angka[i]]; } } /* pengujian angka apakah tidak nol semua, lalu ditambahkan tingkat */ if ((angka[i] != "0") || (angka[i+1] != "0") || (angka[i+2] != "0")) { subkaLimat = kata1+" "+kata2+" "+kata3+" "+tingkat[j]+" "; } /* gabungkan variabe sub kaLimat (untuk Satu blok 3 angka) ke variabel kaLimat */ kaLimat = subkaLimat + kaLimat; i = i + 3; j = j + 1; } /* mengganti Satu Ribu jadi Seribu jika diperlukan */ if ((angka[5] == "0") && (angka[6] == "0")) { kaLimat = kaLimat.replace("Satu Ribu","Seribu"); } return kaLimat + "Rupiah"; } //////////////////////// END COMMON FUNCTIONS ///////////////